The Truth about Photography: Telling it like it is to Photography Students


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How many of you remember sitting in high school or college right around graduation time and someone came to speak to you about the “real world”? I was asked a few months ago to speak to the entire photography class, some kids were days away from graduating and others still had one more year.

As always they told me to do whatever I wanted which could be a good and bad thing depending on my mood. But I can tell you I kept it pretty clean and mostly PG 13.

What can I tell these students that will resonate with them in their photography life? Can I tell them that most of the kids I graduated with ended up not becoming photographers? That is a true statement and I think it had to be said. If you never face the truth about photography you will be blindsided by how hard it is to make it.

To read the rest of my article please click the link above.

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  1. Brittany Edwards says

    So glad I watched this. I know some people hate on Jared but he really had the brains and drive to get to where he is today. He 100% worked for what he has and it was amazing to share his insight with these students. The successful ones will be the ones who listened and take his advice. Thanks for sharing this Jared, lots of amazing advice that I do my best to remember & use. My favorite was definitely the "3 kinds of people, people who makes things happen, people who let things happen and people who don't know what the heck happened."

  2. Lil Pyrate says

    I would of asked him about keeping a Afro

  3. Tommy Bastian says

    wow…you are a fucking gangster for sharing this stuff about your mom.

  4. Everton Porter says

    Dude, what you're saying is absolutely right! Being a photographer is as much about being a salesman as it is about taking good pictures.

  5. Think Tank says

    You forgot to beep It! Lmao.

  6. Nonnasmyladie says

    You should not be giving legal advice about sharing photos on social media. There are times when you click the terms of service agreement that you are explicitly stating that you are giving up ownership rights and you are agreeing to license the image to the provider for future use. You are just flat out wrong on that.

  7. Hannes Hauptmann says

    32:16 …. just listen while closing your eyes

  8. noorizerx says

    He s got hair.

  9. TheEorin says

    love this video so much! started off with shooting concerts this summer with my first "system camera" Sony A6500 (size – getting into gigs, form factor, economy) with Zeiss 32mm f1.8, Samyang 50mm f1.2 and newly bought Sigma 16mm f1.4 and looking for a bigger focal length 85mm?. I can't explain how fun this is!!! using Instagram, FB(run fan page of my fave artist (Chelsea Wolfe) , and collect my pics at flickr atm still a noob doing all errors but I learn and wamt to be better on what I do, though I already shot some great pics 🤘 /Åke

  10. dante44440 says


  11. Colored Lines says

    where do you included the section on psychedelic drugs? also hair pick story is cool 🙂

  12. Jessi Bateman says

    Listened to the entire video even though I didn't think I would, but it was just that great! I am envious of the students that were able to watch this live. You provided me with a new way to look at different situations and I greatly appreciate all you do on youtube. Keep doing what you love!

  13. Mikhail Degiorgio says

    You inspire me, just speechless welldone.

  14. madfox58 says

    Maybe it's really stupid weird… but I disagree with most of the comments here. Yeah, you're awful summing up, getting to the point or even being good at structuring your points and actually comunicating what you're trying to say… But I got it, all of it. Maybe it's because I'm kinda that way too, maybe it's because I can relate with you as a person… maybe it's your stupid hair haha don't know, don't care.
    The thing is… I would absolutely love to have the opportunities you've had and mention here. Getting intimate and up close with people, capturing the "moments" that go beyond the simple photo (or "bad", muted, stock, obvious photo (?)) is exactly the thing I've been trying to do for the last 3 or 4 years… and not even with a nice camera, just with the smartphones I've had. Capturing MOMENTS, transmitting a feeling, evoking emotions with something as mundane (in our internet-filled/social media world nowadays) as a photo.
    Yes, Photographers should strive to build a business, a life for themselves and all that… but for me, at least, the ART goes first.

  15. beatboxerjonasz2 says

    What the f people? This lecture was so amazing and inspiring!

  16. Jared knows his stuff guys, if you didn't learn something from this video you weren't listening! The haters are the ones with the 3 minute attention span lol

  17. dsolisDOOM says

    For videos like this, where there's a Q and A, it helps to repeat the question for the video audience. We can infer, but hearing the exact question helps a lot.

  18. Janko Celebic says

    Preach brotha

  19. anna meczynska says

    All those haters below ….. my 11 yrs old got that lecture and he’s a beginner You don’t ? That’s why you hating now ????
    Good job Jared. Carry on …..let the mediocre ppl talk since their jealousy is so strong

  20. Alex says

    why would you assume he slept with Janis Joplin? stfu

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