Porn star faces jail time for Catholic school photo shoot

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They say you can’t go home again, and one budding porn star learned that the hard way. Valerie Dodds, better known as Val Midwest, was found guilty of public nudity and trespassing after posing in the buff for a photo shoot on the grounds of the Catholic high school she attended in Nebraska. She also used school property – including a crucifix – in some not-so-Christian ways. Dodds said the location was revenge for former classmates and teachers disapproval of her career choice. RT’s Ameera David takes a look at the not-safe-for-school story.

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  1. dontzenyourselfout says

    …typifies the prim, priggish pettiness
    of. The Roman Catholic Church
    guilty of global paedophilia
    and thinks it has the right
    and moral authority
    to judge here
    ora pro

  2. quags B says

    She is very ugly the porn industry did not do her good

  3. Screen Apple says

    Careful with polce state. she have no idea who is she sleeping with …. cartels or criminals.

  4. Miki H. says

    They didn't like it because she wasn't a 10 year old boy.

  5. Nathan Blades says

    Nothing God hasnt seen before im sure

  6. Khuy P. Zda says

    Jail time? She should be stoned to death, not kept alive on taxpayer dime.

  7. Fleece Johnson says

    well if it was a dude that was naked their he probably would be treated the same. probably worse. she knew what she was doing, she had to know the consequences. if it was a public school it probably would been the same. but anyways, why you reporting this?

  8. SAMUEL ADAMS says

    The way that girl looks is no crime at all.

  9. Chy Marie says

    GOD AND JESUS are first and perfect always. this is so wrong

  10. BANKO007 says

    What a disgusting woman

  11. AnimeGamer1 says

    wait wait there are drones out there killing people

  12. Charles Martel says

    It was a whore free school zone.

  13. Pitt Stainz says

    Thank god for catholic schools, every catholic school girl I ever met was ready to party naked.

  14. Dallas Smith says

    Thank God  ( tongue in cheek reference) ,we are going after these porn stars and not the child rapists that are the Catholic Church.

  15. Rolled Doink says

    But.. she's a pornstar naked.. Why would anyone wanna arrest her? XD

  16. alex hidell says

    Ya damn right she's appealling.

  17. Y X I I U says

    What did she expect? What because she's a white female she wouldn't get in any trouble. Had she had been black or a male they would have been sentenced wayyy longer

  18. Peach Dare says


  19. hutch1111111 says

    Now I am going to google her!!!!

  20. archie977 says

    why dont they find the church guilty of propaganda indoctrinating children with deciet and money laundering?

  21. T1ger8oi says

    haha. I was just about to comment about why drunk driving gets a lesser punishment. then this video mentions that at the end. america have a funny way to punish people. first offense drunk driving? o well. doesnt scare anyone. a day in a cell and a fine. Ooooo…..

  22. Thomas Cervasio says

    BRAVA, DOT!!! Social psychologist here … ROTFLMAO, the Catlicks have a lot more they should be worrying about other than you. I'll leave it at that because the last thing I want to do is clue them in (if that's at all possible).

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