1. Richard Vermeulen says

    Really cool video. Tnx for sharing!. I was wondering why you just make a little hole in the bodycap directly but a big hole at first and then a smaller one in the aluminum. Can you explain?

  2. Ice Tea says

    Is this guy serieus??

  3. flyguyee says

    All the people saying this just makes your $1K DSLR shitty are missing the point. In less than an hour, you can make a body cap into something that can take decent photos. It's really cool and fascinating. Try making your own lens in that time. Also, from a technical standpoint, a pinhole camera has properties that no lens has, like zero distortion and a near infinite depth of field.

  4. flyguyee says

    I thought that was the pinhole camera at 1:18 and I was amazed lol

  5. Gheorghe Andrei Nicusor says

    If you really wanna know this song of this video, here it is.

  6. Paul Green says

    I would do this just for the fun of it. For the same reason I use my Holga. It's not a hipster thing; it's a photography thing. For the others, I assume you may have to make a settings change for some cameras so they can take a picture without a lens.

  7. Guy TECH says

    This destroies the sensor

  8. Zayd Abbas says

    I just love the shallow depth of field of my f20000 lens

  9. Tukišs Kristaps says

    Ok, so to make it work you have to make tiniest hole possible, just the tip of your thinnest needle. To take a portrait in clear sunny day I had to boost iso up to 12 800, with that i achieved 1/30 shutter speed. With person being in about 1-1.5 m distance from the "lens" his face was kinda sharp. So I would say its fun to play around with, if you dont have anything better to do, but forget about any practical use of this method 🙂

  10. Tukišs Kristaps says

    Anyone has any tips on actually making the photo look at least kind of sharp? Tried a few different ways to make it, its all bokeh like in this video. I mean, yea, its all style and all, call me oldschool, but I think image should be sharp at least in some part of it, otherwise whats the point.

  11. xCHRISx says

    You can pick up a Nokia and do the same…

  12. poop p says

    dude…… dude!

  13. Jose Cunyat says

    you can get one lens for your dslr here: http://3n2n.fnd.to/pinholepro

  14. Aristyo Rahardiyan says

    I guess something's wrong here. What he did is making bigger hole for brighter exposure. But as same effect as a bigger aperture, actually it also makes the photo more blurry, especially for distant objects. He should've take pictures of close objects and portraits instead of wide ange landscape that needs smaller aperture.

    Pinhole isn't crap. Just because he doing it wrong.

  15. Doc Mephi73 says

    what is the point in turning your DSLR in a camera worse than your iPhone?

  16. kabeauregardajax says

    Man, this was a great film. Thank you for the time everybody. Great fun.. Exactly what i was looking for.. Fun! I'm at an end to what i can do now after summer holidays, i've exhausted all my photo options, this has taken my fancy.

  17. Crackling Bones says

    Oh, JesusChrist!!! this is just one of the most fucking stupid things I´ve seen in my entire life! Shit!

  18. James Youssef says

    Thanks for the video! Helping me through a school photo project!

  19. Amazingly_randy says

    why would u want to take shitty pictures?

  20. hlwimmer says

    the be fair, this is a lot easier, cheaper, and less time consuming that the oatmeal-container days… at the very least, you can immediately see that you have crappy photos and instead pop your 50/1.2 on the camera…

  21. Matthieu Blond says

    They are not shitty photos, it's a different style that some artist are actually using. And if someday you travel anywhere and you forgot your lenses, then your are not really intelligent, but your can take photos with this tip, or you can be no fun and grab your phone…

  22. Stefan Leo says

    …Or just use maximum aperture and a ND filter?

  23. Aaron Lowe says

    Oh yay! Something I can appreciate while I save up for a lens!

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