1. sonriks says

    The music just ruins everything…

  2. Riaan Uys says

    Talk!!! Ffs

  3. Steve in Oz says

    good video but had to turn the music off-sooo annoying

  4. John Corbet says

    Amazing. And fun to watch!

  5. Sue Ellen Jewell says

    Looks like a good video…but for people like me, it would be nice if you slowed it down a little.  A voice over would make it so much better. I am one of those that learn best by not only seeing but hearing the tutorial. Sorry I could not follow it, really wanted to learn from what looks to me is awesome but the music was distracting.

  6. GIO - STAF photography says


  7. Bego Sanchez says

    I very much like the editing. Thanks for showing your art. Did you use any flash when taking the photo?…thanks.

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