G20 leaders pose for family photo


The influential group are in Buenos Aires for the meeting. Here’s more on what’s being discussed.

What is the G20? Which countries are G20 members?

Founded in 1999 as the G7 to give developing countries a more powerful voice in the global economy, the summit brings together industrialised and emerging economies.

The group makes up 85 per cent of the world’s GDP and two-thirds of its population.

When it was first started, only finance ministers and central bank governors met at G20 summits.

But a meeting was held between heads of state after the Lehman Brothers crash in 2008, which led to a global recession.

There has been a yearly meeting between G20 country leaders since.

Between 2009 and 2010, when the global economy was in crisis, leaders met twice a year.

Their website states: “The Buenos Aires meeting is taking place 10 years after the first G20 Leaders’ Summit in Washington DC, when heads of State and Government from around the world put together an action plan to address the 2008 financial crisis.”

Since the first meeting in Berlin, 1999, there have been 18 G20 summits between finance ministers and central bank governors.

There have been 10 between heads of state or the government of G20 economies.

Much of G20’s work takes place on the sidelines and in informal meetings, not at the annual summit.

Read more:

Mocking “Baby Trump” blimp flies over Buenos Aires

What is the G20, how long is the 2018 summit in Argentina, which countries are members, and what is on the agenda?

Donald Trump dramatically CANCELS G20 showdown with Putin to punish rogue Russian leader for refusing to release seized Ukrainian sailors:

Theresa May to snub Donald Trump at G20 after he claimed her Brexit deal will kill a US trade pact:

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  1. Ali Meghzel says

    Les idolatre de Satan ceux dans la photo ne sont que des petit ya leurs bosses avant Satan mais il préfère le secret pour mieux manipuler les brebis égarées

  2. Gadis Jawa says

    I like Indonesia president Jokowi for riding a motorcycle at the opening ceremony asian games in Jakarta Palembang hehe

  3. John K says

    Moon from Korea is such a loner there… I feel bad for him

  4. Алексей К says

    Путин лживый ублюдок

  5. 7 sakerock says

    China will soon disappear.

  6. 吕航 says

    安倍’s smile face really like a dog. Hahaha

  7. Shane Rosser says

    Donald Trump Is Not An Embarrassment. The Stupid Media Is An Embarrassment.

  8. Shane Rosser says

    Wow More Fake News By The Stupid Media.

  9. Someone please Nuke that place☹️

  10. Nick Jm says

    Prime Minister HOLNESS! You represent us well sir. As usual.

  11. sanaa heydar says

    Show off family photo

  12. beaky cole says

    There's a man in the U.S called Trump,
    Who deserves a bloody good thump,
    He's orange and podgy
    and all kinds of dodgy,
    So let's build a wall round the chump…

  13. Jmacfil J says

    Esse Temer esfrega as mãos sempre, parece menino quando vê a mesa de doces em festa. Coitado!

  14. super taro says

    Races such as bottoms same as North Korea in south Korea

  15. Cheung SiuHo_Chsh says



  17. Dr ZIMERMAN says

    Trudeau is Macron , Trudeau NEW Oil &Gas TAXES on Canada FU K
    with Trudeau .we need new prime Minister new political plan for Canada
    & TAXES down.

  18. دد دد says


  19. mag 2 says

    문재앙 찐따 쉑

  20. Jude Lau says

    One of them is not like the others

  21. TROLL KING says


  22. Joe S. says

    Is fat Trump hogging the middle again?

  23. Cappy-go-lucky says

    Trudeau – I mean Justin Castro looked like a cardboard cutout

  24. E.S.W says

    Where's Merkel?

  25. Tonysandrussi says

    Get Teresa May out of there

  26. Some John Doe says

    Trudeau making sure he is right behind his new negotiation mentor for the official picture.

  27. Choschnebab says

    I can’t find Merkel 🤪🤔

  28. J R says

    France looks pretty confident

  29. asdf says

    What a bunch of clowns.

  30. sj4895qq0 says

    Nobody wanna talk with Xi pig poo.

  31. Patricia Shaw says

    Couldn't see little old wine drinker me ,must have been sleeping it off.

  32. Patricia Shaw says

    President Trump stands out .

  33. 英闻肏 says


  34. dustie7 says

    They are the elites…

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