Three Generations & Family Photo Shoot


Ann celebrated her 80th birthday at my studio by having a photo shoot with her daughter and granddaughters. Oh, how I love generational heirloom portraits! Later in the session… her husband, son-in-law, and two grandsons joined for family photos. Listening to them telling stories, laughing at jokes, and loving their time together… my heart swelled. Precious portraits are the time keepers of the love we share with family. They remind us what is important. They remind us to slow down and appreciate what we have at this moment. I’m honored to be able to share this beautiful family with you.

  1. youmantube2009 says

    Great video. Were you using studio flash or just continuous lights?

  2. rpurdum says

    Beautiful style, fabulous lighting, composition. Keep on shooting!

  3. Constance Roberts says


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