1. Angus Yuen says

    After watching your review video, I'm almost ready to buy one PP12. Good job. 
    Just wondering if there are option to adjust hair volume from thin to thick and balance eyes size (not position) ?  Many thanks.

  2. David Nelson says

    As one who has used portrait pro for six years, my advice is to forget 12, I've got the max version upgraded from 11.4 studio 64 and am totally dissatisfied.  I've spent two full days, trying to create a preset that will give realistic results.  In 11.4 studio 64 version it was simple and the results were realistic and the models and seniors looked like real people.  I'm in the business of selling portrait (seniors, models, couples, weddings, etc) and I simply cannot use any results from this with any client.  I took a finished image of I took of one of the top models in San Antonio, we shot on the street near the Alamo and I used an off camera flash and softbox to produce a lighting ration of 30% flash to 70% ambient light.  I finished the portrait with version 11.4 studio. 
    Since my first attempts with 12.4, one a new model looked horrible.  I took the Eleya's (on the street near the Alamo) made 25 copies of the finished  photo before PP was applied and spent two days trying to get an acceptable image, finally got one that was close, but not as good as with 11.4

    I don't know about out you but Mr. Walker's explanation is good, but in my opinion the girl doesn't look realistic, she looks fake and I could never present that image to a client.

    If you want to create new people than this program is for you, if you want to make the people look better than I'd avoid this.  I'm getting much better and more realistic results from OnOne's perfect portrait 9.5, only drawback is its so slow getting into and out of the program.

    I'd certainly like to see Portrait Pro 12.4 work, if some one ha some other tutorials I'd like to see them.

  3. Blaze Gaming says

    Very easy to understand, thanks Marcus. Bought the product because of this!

  4. Kaylene Bitter says

    I am having trouble saving my picture. Whenever I save it anywhere, I can't find it. I have searched my entire computer and the photo doesn't come up. No matter how hard I try, the program will not save my edited photo. Any ideas on what to do?

  5. johncare says

    thks 4  helpful video……. started tonight with  basic pp  i be up grading next week 2 studio

  6. Asif A. says

    Great presentation!  I have been meaning to buy PP.  It's been a long while since I saw the website and now 12 is out.  I love the way you have shown the workings of the software.  I will be buying the Studio version.  

  7. Brutus Lo says

    Good Job. Easier to learn than Photoshop.

  8. Alec King says

    anyone know if portrait pro works with RAW images?

  9. Michael Troutt says

    I have PP 11 myself.  Once I figured out not to use the presets it wasn't a bad program at all.

  10. Jane Byfield says

    Great presentation Marcus and fantastic results. Question. Is the Portrait profession 12 version they only version where you can reset the photo back to its original image?

  11. Scott Schmitt says

    Great tutorial Marcus. I've just purchased Portrait Pro and this really helped give me a head start! Thank you!

  12. Big Photo Show says

    Wow!  You just sold me on this program.  I absolutely love it.  One question… Would you please give me the specs on your mac system?  I've been a PC man for years but am considering a mac as I do lots of video editing and photo editing and PC's are relatively noisy.

  13. andyman90125 says

    Marcus, thank you for taking the time to produce this tutorial, and for sharing your knowledge.

  14. Dave Lee says

    I've learned a lot from your video, thanks!  Can Portrait Professional 12 work on group portraits?

  15. Thleeal Mohammed says

    is it softening the images, or is it just the pre render?

  16. Twelvestrings says

    Very helpful introduction to Version 12. I learned quite a bit, especially about batch mode.

  17. Monaé isArt says

    Wow I believe I need to get this program asap..I can't believe this is the first I have heard of this program. Thanks for the video!

  18. winston charles says

    that is if you have videos on only on  the programs  related to  Portrait editing  Addiee

  19. winston charles says

    Hey ,Mr.Walker thanks very much For the video, I just got pp 12 last weekend, great help. want to know if u videos on Light Room 5, light Zone 4, Sage light 4.4 ,Corel After Pro 2.0, Photoshop and If will do more videos on Facefilter  3 Pro. Again thanks very much for taking time to do the PP12 Video Mr.Walker

  20. Mike Trutt says

    Great Demo!  Thanks for doing this.  I was really curious to see what is new in Version 12, and you presented it well.

  21. Al Martinez says

    Thanks for the update on ver 12 it was helpful to see the new features in real world plus now I'll be upgrading to studio max for the batch feature.

  22. Marcus Walker says

    I recorded the video in 1080P for the best viewing in full screen. – Marcus Lashah Walker

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