Robert Herman – Street Photographer


Robert Herman is a master of color street photography in the tradition of Saul Leiter and William Eggleston. His exploration of New York City spans more than three decades and has recently been collected in his first monograph, The New Yorkers (2013 Proof Positive).

  1. Hafizuddien Ju says

    Great stuff. Could tell he was very much influenced by Saul Leiter’s work. The cross reflections on the glass panes and such.

  2. Neo 0101 says

    Girl in the bubble on the beach…..appropriate metaphor.

  3. Electric Bubble says

    that was hardcore rad!

  4. guv nor says

    Still my favorite of the series

  5. Terence Tay says


  6. James Bloomfield Photography says

    Excellent lecture. His insight into where to be (and the patience and serendipity required) for the ideal shots are so helpful. Thank you for making this available.

  7. Janet Paparelli says

    This is a fascinating look at what one can accomplish with an iPhone (and lots of talent, of course!).

  8. Stockwell Roam says

    really beautiful

  9. robert07000 says

    Thanks to everyone who enjoyed my talk. Signed copies of The Phone Book and The New Yorkers 3rd printing now available from

  10. Joe Lopez says

    Very informative, thank you for sharing!

  11. Douglas Gottlieb says

    Great presentation and inspiring work

  12. Lukasz Palka says

    Great lecture!

  13. Splootan says

    I left this page at I phone

  14. Onlylettuce92 says

    Amazing photos!!!

  15. Daniel Beaudoin says

    Beautiful photos. Robert, the photos seem like they are black and white photos with touches of color. Is this the result of post-production. I love the sometimes subdued color…so cool

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