1. Dana Jock says

    What area map do you use?

  2. Tony Lane says

    Not to be rude but what is he talking about?

  3. Buck Slayer says

    Just email me at the email i sent you earlier gmail

  4. Buck Slayer says

    18 years heavy baiting here though
    Id like to get away from baiting

  5. Buck Slayer says

    I'm gonna send you a map what your email to send it to its a very large state public ground woods I wanna see what u say about it this will tell me alot

  6. Justin Lishman says

    Hey Jacob man I'm having difficulty locating good stand locations I was wondering could you check out my property and give me your input on possible stand locations… Thanks god bless

  7. Buck Slayer says

    Dude i watch some of your videos and they are ok I'm just trying to say holy crap man get to the point don't lolly gag people want quick answers
    Not dragged on videos
    Just show me a map tell me specific points where to look and why? In short terms please
    I look at most of these maps and i hunt mostly big woods
    They look like huge big green blurs
    And most google earth pics are summertime pics

  8. Buck Slayer says

    The reply just tells me you have no clue
    You have may shot a few deer here and there but are definitely trying to scam people for a school which is ran by a obvious unqualified person

  9. Buck Slayer says

    Dude get to the point god just tell us what to look for
    Oh yea what are you getting at
    And we know its a pretty hard area for deer to cross here

  10. Brandon Kohler says

    Jacob! Hey man, I have been watching video after video of yours all while looking around my aerial view trying to find somewhere to start. I have been out here for two seasons, this being my third, and there is such a large piece of woods that makes it difficult to find their patterns. There are a lot of deer and a ton of BIG BUCKS. Finding them is difficult because they have so much room to roam. Going back since 1995, there has been no clear cutting of any kind and it all pretty much looks the same. There are about 700 acres of woods here and its a pretty interesting piece of land. I could really use some help form the master! Any help would be great. Let me know if you are willing and I will get you the location. Thank you!

  11. Mare Egrets Moose says


  12. bamagtrdude says

    BIG BUCKS LOVE NEIGHBORHOODS!!!  Hahaha, Jacob, I shot a doe that came out from behind some neighbors houses last week; dude, there were 2 girls, HOOPIN' & HOLLERIN' on a 4-wheeler, tearing it UP, dogs barking like crazy, folks outside talking on a cell phone…  & I'm beside all of this, and what do you know — OUT WALKS  A DOE, right from where all that racket was coming from!!!  Why???  Cause there is ZERO HUNTING PRESSURE behind folks' houses with little kids…  The next evening, my brother shot a 105lb doe in the exact same spot!

  13. Konner Miller says

    Hey how would I be able to ask you to give me some tips about my land because I'm trying to get my first deer and its starting to itch please let me know how.


    Any tips on hunting younger crp areas, or areas without definite funnels?

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