1. Limix says


  2. Georgina Winter says

    What his the gnu search plz

  3. purplechicklover says

    The boy look like an alien in the end of the video. This video sucks

  4. Dale Bassett says

    Haha yeah annoying watching it that music or your voice which 1 was worse lol

  5. Mostly Classical says

    Can you take the music out of your video? It's really incomprehensible what you are trying to say and the music is absolutely awful and loud.

  6. Jacko Ludvich says

    Mumbling plus shitty music playing over voice? No good.

  7. Yomiko Miyamoto says

    Why the music?

  8. Spectre8750 says

    Can't anyone make tutorials without the damn music?

  9. Brandon Martin says

    This is one of the worse-ist ways to remove watermarks and looks horrible, use inpaint software or photoshop cc with stamp tool or content aware fill.

  10. Kendall Thow says

    It is illegal to remove a watermark on an image.

  11. Hollie Rogers says

    Useless, can't hear a thing!

  12. dappodan1 says

    can you upload a video on how to cut out the music from an instructional video so you can hear the instructions 

  13. Jay Brown says

    Can't understand a word your saying with that mess playing. Remake with out the yuppy music and post again please..

  14. chris child says

    Turn of the music you muppet

  15. D A says

    The music is the least of your problems. What you're showing people how to do is copyright infringement, a violation of federal law. That picture does not belong to you and you have no right to copy it at all, even with the proof mark. It belongs to the photographer.

  16. quincy brooks says

    yea the music ruined it

  17. Deez Nuts says

    whats up with the music …makes it hard to hear you ….thank you for posting vid tho

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