1. wajid ali says

    thank u sir

  2. Vinayak Panchal says

    Vinayak panchal

  3. Nitin Hirey says

    how much time it takes to charge the pen? any idea?

  4. K Looi says

    Do you have the link to buy that ?

  5. david thanu says

    I saw a folder called AUDIO created by the pen, but how to record only audio???

  6. Peter Ilnitsky says

    what does it mean when a BPR 6 Demo camera pen blinks red 10 times?

  7. Ian Turner says

    The latest from Q Branch.

  8. ZeppieGames says

    i need help mine only do pictures

  9. Tamika Durant says

    Thank you this was very helpful for me

  10. Public Videos says


  11. Public Videos says

    Bhaji on ni hunda pen

  12. Outsource ArtDigi says

    Thank you so much for your video it helped me to use my pen camera

  13. dunk young says

    second hole down is reset button,there is reset button inside,if pen freezes or stops working then poke a thin pin into second hole down to reset pen.top tip

  14. triscuit says

    pretty cool dude

  15. Paddy Cooper says

    Thank you so much .. this helped me very much

  16. Pavithra Pavi says

    super useful

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