1. CodyD313 says

    Hand gestures are wrong, now?

  2. MoonerFury says

    Northern Wisconsinites are a special breed of paranoid and stupid.  Honestly, the biggest shock for me in this story was learning that there's black families in Sheboygan County.

  3. jsanchez5360 says

    Illuminati symbols. 

  4. streetplaya23 says

    i'm still laughin… not at how dumb it is that they got suspended for posing as wannabe gangsters(even tho they kidding), but that name…


    SHE – BOY – GAN


  5. GangstaBoy9312 says

    fuckin dumb, those kids look harmless, and for that to be a gang sign.. smh

  6. Nick O'Rourke says

    Schools have no clue how to operate so the default is suspension.

  7. Bo Hiel says

    hahahahahah this is fucking stupid

  8. SuperSparrow45 says

    Way to go numbnuts. Because of your racial profiling, those suspensions will follow them to college. Yeah, 2 black kids posing and doing hand signs means they are automatically members of the Bloods. Sometimes, I wonder what goes through these peoples minds when they issue that punishment. The PTA in that district needs to do something about that. That is unacceptable by a so-called "professional" educator. 

  9. Zackery Williams says

    "…some students did not feel safe, because of this picture" what a load of BS.

  10. Marissa L. Campbell says

    The conservative "0" tolerance policy that has infested our schools has yielded ridiculous results. This scenario reminds me of a phone call I got from my son's third grade teacher, expressing concern that he might be in a gang and threatening to report him to the Principal. He and his friends had posed for a picture, while flashing the reverse peace sign – widely recognized and used as far back as the 70's.  Wide discretion in these areas enable and empower conservative reactionaries, to further their goal to redirect the path of Black kids from the road to college  onto the path to prison. Pursuant to Bush's NCLB, detentions and suspensions follow kids from school to school, marking them with badges of depravity and inferiority. Numerous  Zeros for missed classwork and homework weigh heavily against the odds of decent grades and successful matriculation through high school.  My son is now almost 22.  He has never been in a gang.  However, he is a college senior, and a member of the Street Band Clan – a jazzy hip hop band he founded in Nashville. TN.  I resisted the branding of my son, as I encourage every other parent to do.  Resist the ADHD and the depravity brand .  .  .

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