Football Photography and some sports photography workflow

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A very windy day shooting football


The gear I use:

Main Camera 1:
Main Camera 2:
Vlog Camera:

All round awesome Sports lens:
My 300m Lens:
Great lens for low light:
Great cheap starter lens:

Wide angle for remote cameras:
Triggers for Remotes:
Mini Tripods for Remote:
Bendy Tripod for Remote:

My stool:
My mini stool:
My tall stool:
My floor Chair:

My New backpack:
Great bag which I still use all the time:

Roller Bag an awesome price:
Hard Case:


How it Begins by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (

  1. Jez Tighe says

    Rob, thanks for sharing

  2. ChoobesOfYou says

    Good video again Rob. Couple of questions though, is the lock button on the 7d ii though? Also would be great to hear on your tips for keeping your laptop dry during rain. Cheers

  3. Thomas Hucksoll says

    Great video. Love the day in the life of type stuff. Would love to see some editing types for your style of shooting

  4. Marcelo Alvarenga says

    Rob, it would be awesome if you put some pics taken during the game, as well as camera settings in each one…what do u think?

  5. Mr T says

    Great job, Rob

  6. Chloe Kim says


  7. Steve Chick says

    Love the football videos. What monopod do you use Rob?

  8. Leafmeister Nor says

    Love your videos, Rob. So simple, and so informative. Please keep them coming. Best regards from Norway 🙂

  9. carl newell says

    great video Rob, may i ask, what monopod you use? I'm after one for my canon 400mm 2.8. cheers.

  10. Bradley Powdrell says

    yes football videos for the win! this gets me hyped for football season starting in a couple of weeks here in new zealand

  11. Pascal Kesselmark says

    Thanks for the great video.
    And hey, you refurnished the room as promised. Looks good with the white shelves in the back.

  12. Simon Bissett says

    Another quality video Rob, keep them coming!

  13. GreySun says

    Looking forward to hearing about stools & seats!!

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