Covington High School Fiasco Continues- SPLC Refuses to Apologize/ Blackout Game Photo

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A non apology pretending there’s a national debate over objective bits of video evidence:
Fake reality:

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#covingtonshame #SPLC

  1. Sooty One says

    We need more people wearing MAGA hats and smirks. The left will never recover from their apoplectic seizures.

  2. Harold Edwards says

    The SPLC is just a bunch of fundraisers. My favorite incident is from years ago when they condemned an elderly man who sold Confederate battle flags in his small Civil War shop. Extremely dippy.

  3. The native American is not a good person because he is a Native American
    He is a liar, in many facets, his history, what happened and what he says the boys did.
    What scum, he would harm young people simply because he is anti-white!!!

  4. Audrey Carroll says

    Remember back in the day when children got to be children?

  5. Beyond_the_Infinite says

    What I like about Styx is that even though he's agnostic ( or pagan or whatever) and that despite his different worldview, he doesn't hate on religious people per se but rather makes rational objective judgements based upon humanitarian principles.

  6. MAX AM says

    The SPLC is a hornet's nest of foreigners, immigrants and backward indigenous appeasers and apologists for the destruction of Western civilisation.
    In Britain it's called TellMama, both hate groups who utilise propaganda as facts and news.

  7. mcasual says

    some may have noticed that in some cases people get called "old" and some people get called "elder" which carries images of wisdom and deep spirituality. The chants and drum help complete the cosplay. And almost every headline very very carefully remembers calling him elder native vietnam vet. There were not many headlines like "zen teen remains calm as old activist gets in his face"

  8. Robin Hood says

    If the kids were Muslims not Christians, SPLC would pay for the MAGA hats..

  9. Ruben T says

    The SPLC is the most pernicious hate group in America.

  10. AMERICAN GIRL says


  11. George Drazenovich says

    This entire situation is completely regrettable and we will never know the truth of what was occurring between Nathan Phillips and the young boy. We now know that Nathan approached and that it wasn’t as reported. So, yes that was definitely distorted. We don’t know Nathan’s intention – he says to diffuse and we don’t know the boys state of mind standing there. What is evident to me is that the media has absolutely no desire for Truth and Reconciliation (I am from Canada and live in an area where First Nation issues are front and centre as we confront our own history of systemic oppression).

    I have read some commentary around Nathan and the racist caricatures are things that would NEVER be put in print about Jews or blacks but there is license to allude to stereotypes around alcoholism without exploring how the history of historical trauma as a result of Indian wars, Indian Removal Act, trail of broken treaties, manifest destiny all played a role.

    So now thanks to the media and their narrative all hopes of reconciliation are pretty much gone and for that they bear fill responsibility. There is a teachable moment here but it is lost

  12. anthony tognaci says

    I hope the SPLC is sued till their bankrupted- communist scum

  13. Joe2A America says

    Im just curious, what is being done to all of the people that are threatening to harm this young mans home, his school, him? Has anyone, or is anyone being arrested for terroristic threats to this young mans life, as well as his fellow students lives? How is this kind of madness acceptable these days? I guess the Leftist loonies are dredging any swamp and sewer that they can to find the scummiest of scum to come out and do their bidding. I stand firmly with the Covington kids.

  14. Joseph Selkow says

    Here is a joke that was popular when my great grandmother was giving hand jobs to WW1 vets: Indian boy asks his parents how they choose names for their children. Father says they name the baby after the first thing they see after the babys birth. Like your sister Babbling Brook was born by the water, and when your brother was born we saw a bear chasing something so we named him Running Bear. But tell me Two Dogs Fucking, why do you ask?

  15. ray20071 says

    I know how you feel but don’t fret, because the Age of Aquarius is here and if you are not speaking, wrriting, are living the truth you will not prosper in the Age of Aquarius and those who are about truth will prosper and will be protected! Even the Bible says it it’s called Revelations! We have officially left the Age of Pisces, which was the Age of deception! So don’t worry rhere is nothing anyone can do just like the seasons change from fall to winter and winter to spring and spring to summer there is nothing you can do to change this cycle! Every 2,600 years there is a Age change! There’s nothing you can do to change it, you can’t stop it there’s nothing anyone can do , you can’t stop it! Take some wisdom from an old man!

  16. Charles B says

    "native Americans" need to apologize for Nathan Phillips actions.

  17. DB Cisco says

    SPLC is, and always has been, a racist terrorist organization.

  18. Truth & Justice says

    Next time I see a group of young "persons of color" engaging in wrongful behavior I now know exactly what to do:
    Approach the group and drum on my bodhrán (Google it) ten centimeters from the face of the chief offender. No doubt the world will appreciate that an elder of an ancient tribe of Irish druids is attempting to calm the miscreants with Celtic music-magic.
    But please, Lord in Heaven, don't let them SMILE at me! I don't think I could bear that!
    ; ¬)

  19. Truth & Justice says

    But, but, if the SPLC is lying about this, then…?

  20. zezt zezter says

    I live in UK but everyone!! get a MAGA hat and wear it en mass!

  21. zezt zezter says

    I HOPE that they all get their fkin arses sued off em!!! the only thing that touches these people is MONEY! …also saw in a video today about the event how it was a set up. You see professional photographers around the hyped editied CLIP with the lighting shit and the works. was a fkin propaganda piece. that toothless old lying drumming Indian git is a known actor and has part of this stuff before!!

  22. LA Evan says

    There are no black people. They are all varying shades of brown.

  23. the real Jack Myers says

    i was once forced to attend a pep rally against my will, by the
    vice principle. he was watching me the whole time. slouched down all
    alone in the auditorium cheap seats with him over there, and all those
    prep ppl carrying on. i lacked the grades to participate in sports, i was
    rarely in school, and also worked sometimes. the '' purple pups'' was the team. right.

  24. Nikhilesh Surve says

    They should all go bankrupt. That'll be the best outcome.

  25. Chris Houston says

    We are in the post media era, they are dying and citizen journalists are winning. The guy who talked about this first was Andrew Breitbart he told everyone with a camera that they are now the media. He was fucking right, this scene proves that in spades.
    The left wants to remove us from the internet and now the public square. Ain't gonna happen, this event showed the right they have to SHOW UP like the left does.
    It's a new day in my view. Thank you to the Covington kids for not backing down, they did it for us.

  26. Yurit Cardenas says

    Remember when the second American civil war begin KILL THE JOURNALIST FIRST.

  27. jay ryan says

    There was a complete media black out today! Go look at all the home pages of all the major news outlets. It's like the story never happened. POOF! Gone!

  28. Nina SeventySeven says

    Nathan Phillip's demonized these kids because he didn't have the balls to confront the Hebrew Israelites. No one is condemning them? Why? Because they are black and people don't believe black people are real people with real power behind their words and actions? It's fucking insane. Fuck the left. I am going to rock by myself.

  29. Nina SeventySeven says

    I am SO radical left. Like, I am very, very progressive. I am against Trump and racism. This situation is fucking crazy. I cannot believe how disingenuous and morally crooked the left is being.

  30. Adriana Rico says


  31. M Mirlas says

    Even if everything the media and that liar Phillips said was true, that wouldn't make it okay to do what has been done to these kids.

  32. M Mirlas says

    I keep waiting for the left to show us how "Love Trump's Hate". But they won't do it.

  33. K Geo111 says

    Why the 666 in the name?

  34. nickyiil says

    Your feminist democrat in the white house, keeps missing golden opportunities to show he has balls.
    Fuck the DNC candidate he /she is irrelevant. 2020 will hang on street cred. Your moron has none. 4 years now his supporters are getting persecuted and he does nothing.
    Fuck the tax cuts, fuck the non existent wall he is not going to build, and fuck his foreign adventures.
    He either backs up the MAGA crowd or .. he loses the election. That simple. Make the crazies fear to do their crazy shit. They do not belong anywhere but in a lunatic asylum.

    Next time a MAGA fan gets harassed ,his approval starts dropping to below congress level .Maybe then he 'll wake the fuck up.
    He got elected to build a wall and drain the swamp ,nothing has happened. The swamp is growing , the wall is non existent.

    Tf is wrong with him? He has all these powers he fears to use. Either he starts cracking leftist sculls and makes silicon valley behave or .. no 2020 MAGA.
    I did not like the morons he elected to surround himself with from the beginning. He needs sane smart people ,not Jesus freaks and a doctor that thinks raped women don't conceive.
    He needs cold hard realists, who understand that you either support your base or .. you have no base.
    You either rip the Doj and the fat boys a new one and make them do shit your way or .. you become a prisoner or the machine that hates you.
    Next time this happens and there wil be a next time ,i want arrests and crazies in jail before it hits Twitter. This is the rend of his rope.
    The sewers are roaring and they call him traitor already.

  35. EXTOL ZEBULON says

    Big man nathan picking on kids but not the racist bullies.
    LAWSUIT !!!
    Sue the fake news into extinction.
    What about the babies being murdered ?

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