Man Shocked to Learn Family's 1963 Wedding Album Was Found in Stranger's Ceiling


A couple is searching for the owners of a 1963 wedding album they discovered earlier this month in the Florida home they are renovating. Megan Kapsidis said she and her husband, Bobby, were knocking out part of the kitchen ceiling in the 1960s home when they discovered the album. It belonged to Marguerite and Joseph Gargiulo and was hidden in the ceiling under the insulation. An invitation inside the album says the Gargiulos were married in September 1963 in Woodhaven, N.Y.

  1. September 14 is my birthday

  2. Fortnite Memes says

    1:26 plz don’t tell me his doing ok sign how they even know the ok sign? 👌🏻

  3. erick Lomeli says

    I found a game that lead to the 80s and it looked like a race game

  4. Davbroto Kundu says

    1:26 this groom is the best groom I’ve ever seen.

  5. Tik Tok says

    A sad ending

  6. No Life Soccer Fan says


  7. Dalen Sopheak Phorn says

    1:26 meme

  8. nainai says

    At 1:26 I started to choke😂😂 look at the grooms hand!!!!!

  9. Umm no Sis says



  10. XxcHaPiSxX says

    I would have loved to been born in the 60's

  11. Timiko Bilyeu says

    1:26 👌 got em

  12. Aspen Bowles says

    They got married on my birthed

  13. Jewelmukta says

    The women who found the wedding album I hope the grom she

  14. gingy girl says


  15. LivLex says

    You should try too find the bride.

  16. Mimi Lps says
  17. Mimi Lps says

    1;26 I can’t IM SORRY 👌👌👌

  18. xX CodeMax Xx M says

    That’s the same year as my car

  19. Ignorant Love says

    1:25 he got us all

  20. Jesus Juarez says


  21. The day on my birthday

  22. Harlesem 7 says

    He frickin made me look at 👌

  23. Natasha Niezen says

    It's my

  24. 1:26 I didn’t knew they were memes back in the day.

  25. Silvia Ramirez says

    My moms bday is the 15th of September

  26. Blueflame9 says

    1:26 in 1963 REALLY

  27. Jayla Abel says

    I love it at 1:27

  28. 6godraven Gonzalez says

    Omg omg my brithday is September 14

  29. Progang Gamer says

    Can i have 140 Likes casue September 14 Is ma Brithday

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