How I Started My Photography Business



This is my last part of my Fiji vlogs! Please let me know what you think of this vlog/tutorial style video 🙂 I would love to make more of these for you guys while I’m travelling! Hopefully sharing my process of how I became a full time photographer will help you guys with the process as well.

Here is all the linkage I promised in the video:

Part 1 How to Travel as a Photographer:

How to Make Money as a Photographer:

Fiji blog post with all the photos we took + what Lightroom Presets I used:

Matt’s work:


Lightroom Presets:


Dan @ I Make Films

Website //
Instagram //


Sony RX100iv
Sony a7s mkii + Sigma 24mm f1.4


Canon 5dmkiii
Sigma 24mm f1.4
Canon 35mm f1.4
Canon 50mm f1.2
Canon 85mm f1.2
Canon 135mm f2

Thank you so much for watching! xx

  1. Alejandra Rodríguez Vélez says

    So I've been watching and LEARNING so much from you because for the past 2 days I've been watching ALL YOUR VIDEOS!💚 Thank you for sharing this things with us

  2. TaylorToYou says

    i swear not a single one of these "business" videos ever actually helps explain the BUSINESS side like applying for a business license and record keeping and paying taxes and getting your own health insurance. I just want one dang video to help with that side of things!!

  3. Zombie Rofl says

    What I really don't get is how people can afford a lifestyle like this. Photographer or not, this traveling and having expensive camera equipment is not a option for everyone, yet you are able to do this. Maybe its a American thing, and different when you live in Europe…

  4. Michael Lunn says

    Love your videos, they have been very helpful. However, wondering why you are carrying around very expensive camera equipment without a strap to protect against an accidental drop?

  5. dev.d filmmaker says

    I accidentally landed up to your videos and I must say they are really good, it is pleasing to learn from such a calm and cool photographer. Thanks!!!

  6. Melody Chest says

    Very refreshing video compared to many I have seen! Beautiful Fiji indeed and lucky you to be able to combine work with pleasure. Nice of you to share the beginnings of your career and wish you all the best in its growth. Everyone should follow their dreams .. you are a good example of that!

  7. Salad Volcano says

    Very cool! Liked how you showed one picture with background in focus and foreground blurry, then next photo out of same perspective with foreground in focus and background blurry. Very teaching and inspiring!
    Thanks for posting this cool video!

  8. Lariii S. says

    Very cool video!!

  9. Callie Andersen says

    I could not stop panicking when you were on the dock without a neck strap on your camera.

  10. Selina und Max says

    Awesome video!

  11. Al Azad says

    Hi, I'm Azad.Your presentation really amazing!!! You are so beautiful also

  12. Lena Engel says

    Motivational video as always ☀️ I really love taking landscape photos and I'm currently trying to build a community on Instagram, but I am afraid, that I will never make any money with it. I really love being outside and capturing the beauty of this planet but I feel like with "general" photography, that is not done for specific people (like headshots, weddings, baby showers, etc.) It is way harder to turn it into a full time job 😕

  13. Nimrod korir says

    I really love your story, it inspires the potential photographers. And Dan looks like Zlatan Ibrahimovic 😀 nice couple 🙂

  14. Sandip Soni says

    Very Beautiful Scene in your video loved it

  15. Dania Ahmad says

    Yes! I like this half vlog/half training!… i love the way you speak and your tone when speaking…and I have a random question for u …does it or did it bother you that Dan does not talk/speak his mind as much as you do? Cuz my husband and I are like that…i say an entire paragraph and all he has to say is.."yeap…pretty much"…!!!…it drives me nuts..i guess my question is…how do u deal with that small difference in personality…if u find it annoying lol

  16. Silvia E Reyes Castro says

    Thank you for this video as well as for the one that you recommended (How to Make Money as a Photographer) :3 😀

  17. noblesse says

    Please do more of these types of vlogs. Both entertaining and educational. I'm learning a lot from you. Thank you!

  18. 5wift Johnson says

    skip to 4:50….. your welcom

  19. Franco Sisto says

    If she makes money being a "photographer" im really in the wrong business…
    Thanks, you just made me understand that i can do it.

  20. Sahir says

    Hello ma'am i am photographer with 4 years of Experience i am from pakistan wanna going outside gimme an Idea that work in Abroad like UK or USA

  21. Eva PM says

    You have so much talent, Julia. How you don’t have AT LEAST 2M subscribers is beyond me. You are fantastic. Thank you for sharing your experience ❤️

  22. Eleazarlucky Caoile says

    I love your style in sharing your amazing knowledge in photography. Ur just calm and naturally artistic. Thank you and more blessings to come tou you

  23. Vanessa Silva says

    should you go to college to be a professional photographer or can you achieve that without school?

  24. Tia Trione says

    She was making me so nervous sitting on the dock with her camera in her lap! It kept wiggling and I was squirming

  25. Moisés suy says

    it's just you do everything amazing

  26. JDMotorClub says

    Quick question. When do you use manual focus VS auto?? Maybe you can make a video? Sorry if you already have.

    -Thank you

  27. Grumpy Digger says

    Wow another great one, Id love to see more like this in with what I’ve seen so far as I’m going through your channel. My first time comment was on your how to make a living video. That will cover pretty much everything. But you have now got me thinking as I’m as mentioned my old 5D and keeping my 7D as got the new 1dX mk2 being full frame which i love. But as my next big thing was a prime upgrade as love my 24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2 2.8 and couple others. But I’m still using my canon nifty 50 lol and the canon 85 1.8 but was looking at a 50mm moving from canon to sigma ohh no lol, but seeing the 35 L as it was another going real wide prime 14 for star work. But you have me thinking should i keep the 5D and just stay full frame or keep the 7D as cropped but can do some video as well. As one has to go to help go the prime which looks more like the 35mm L as landscape different touches to some portrait life photos but I think also would fit fine for time lapse night shooting. Making me think maybe later a 50mm L canon. But seeing the 35L in many areas especially with the 1D full frame. But now I’m really confused as to just stay 5D full or the 7D as that variety. Until one day maybe a backup 5D 3 0r 4 in good condition second hand or who knows. But I’m leaning really towards the 35mm as it would get much more use than just a super wide prime but also give me enough for that lower light landscape and mix. You did a great job showing how usable in real life shooting. So before i out the add up for the complete little kit some one will save a fortune on but also get a start to build. Do i keep the 7D or the 5D as my back up and general light shooting option. Due to my problems that hopefully you’ll read on your clip. You’ll see my dog trooper not good at helping make choices lol but once it done its done. So love to hear what you think, As the money will go towards getting that 35 L as i just cant seem no matter all the videos to fault a good L canon lens. Even my very old Ef 85 1.8 and the 35 just would be the better more use prime than just a super wide prime that yeah land scape but mainly for the night thing. Which is a lot for something only now and again. As a 35L with the 24-70 2.8 and the 85 1.8 ohh the nifty 50 lol. Apart from the longer end stuff 70-200 100 macro and 400L just seems bang on. Again great video fun and informative love your using same MacBook Pro 15 I’m using 😂. Any guide on what body to keep be great. Also hope you found out about your blog link. 😎🇦🇺

  28. Caroline Osier says

    Love love love love this was so helpful!

  29. Najeeba Qadir says

    you're BEAUTIFUL <3

  30. SZ Photo & Video says

    video starts at 4:48

  31. Tech Harry says

    what is the name of background music track??👌 nice bg music.

  32. BangEnded Scoots says

    Did you have to pay for the models when starting out?

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