Smartphone Photo Studio for #3DBenchy and tiny stuff


— Download the STL files and

This 3D-printable camera rig for smartphones is designed to create a repeatable way to photograph #3DBenchy models at fixed angle positions. An included turntable attachment makes it is also possible to record 360° videos.

See the interactive VR model on Sketchfab at

Learn more about #3DPrinting at

  1. miguel angel saravia rojas says

    How can I do get one???? And Where??

  2. CyberLink !! says

    Yeah or if you don't have a 3D printer, just build it out of Legos 😀

  3. Nigel says

    print it green and use a green piece of paper so you use a green screen app and make #3dbenchy sail

  4. Von Hindenei says

    Behindert 🚮


    Wow.. thats great..

  6. Ellerie Anne says

    Where can I buy one of these holders?

  7. Nebojša Kamenčić says

    Beautiful design. Especialy the phone holder.

  8. Zolika Sabo says

    Hi guys! how much is it? or how much will cost me? to make it for me. becouse I don't have 3D printer.

  9. Thatone Dude says

    just as I keep coming up with reasons NOT to buy a 3D printer, I come across the coolest things. This is freaking genius.

  10. manujpop says

    AWESOME !!!!! downloading !!!

  11. Michael Newsome says

    What a great idea! Kudos 🙂

  12. 3DIY Original says

    Awesome this bench 👍👍 I'll make one .
    Also Subbed to your youtube channel & Thingiverse 😎

  13. instantmaso says

    The rotator is ultracool gadget! 🙂

  14. HOOBORK WARCK says

    donde se puede conseguir eso

  15. 罗少宁 says


  16. ebrewste says

    Wonderful work to make it so universal and usable!

  17. sphetz | 3D printing says

    This is awesome, no more propping things up every time you want to take a detailed photo of a print!

  18. wi11y1960 says

    use a stepper motor to drive the platform?

  19. Wing Lo says

    Supercool, this will be my next print! 😀

  20. that's cool stuff. It can be add with laser and you have 3d scanner

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