1. Fabian Vallejos says

    Really nice keep on, have a look out post are also dance and please if and you can subscribe!💜😎

  2. Luqu Chaos Media says

    Can you make a full tutorial? I want to learn how to make this

  3. Bananas and Bass says

    Do you have a tutorial with sound?

  4. Phillipe Grishin says

    Wow! This is absolutely amazing!!

  5. Alain González says

    ¡Increíble tu forma de crear movimiento en una imagen! Excelente video 🙂

  6. Iqbal Jusri says

    Please upload more video,love it👍

  7. Lifetime Travelmates says

    Hi! I found you through Noe insta! This is amazing! Wanna learn to do it!!

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