Funniest Korean High School pictures

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Some really funny pictures from this year’s graduation at the uijeongbu high school in Korea(의정부고등학교). People seemed to like these pictures before in my last years video, so I made it again 🙂 Let me know which one is your favorite one!

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Funny Korean High School, Funny Korean pictures

Korea Junkies

올해도 어김없이 핫했던 의정부 고등학교 졸업사진! 작년에 만든 비디오를 좋아해주신 분이 많아 이번년 졸업사진들도 찾아봤습니다~ 여러분이 가장 맘에 든 사진은 무엇인지 알려주세요!

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웃긴 졸업사진, 의정부고 졸업사진

  1. 조진웅 조아 says

    가방이 아니라 수학의 정석이라고 고등학생이라면 공부를 하든 안하든 가지고 있는 책입니닼ㅋ

  2. 정승현 says

    나도 공대생이였나? ㅋㅋ

  3. 장지민 says

    슬리퍼는모든 한국의 중딩부터 고딩까지 다신는뎈ㅋㅋㅋ

  4. 눈꽃변태 says

    자전거는 madmax? 같은데. ㅋㅋㅋ 한국엔 삼선슬리퍼라고 값싼 슬리퍼를 많이 신어요. 내구는 별로에요.

  5. 한규현 says

    2:22 that's a math book that makes almost all korean highschool students suffer from 'mathematical pain' haha

  6. kim우주 says

    2:27 That's a korean math book for high school students. It says 'standard of math : geometry and vector'

  7. BIN TG says

    Hey enjoying your videos; just with the flower boy comment – it is a cosplay of 조석(Jo Seok)'s 마음의 소리(Sound of the Heart) a famous naver webtoon you shuold check it out its been running for 1000+ chapters and will be getting an animation and 시트콤 based on it

  8. 믿기지 않겠지만 이 미친짓을 매년해요 내년에도 또봐요!

  9. 호우 says

    He said bag, but that is just text book!!! Wow I study math by bag… You're veryveryvery funnyman.

  10. dreamXcream says


  11. TAEHEE KIM says

    hi actually most of students in korea have to wear sleeper in school instead of normal shoes 🙂

  12. 백자기 says

    Wow your T-shirt! i felt pride this.

  13. string cheese says

    the one u said that looked like a bag is a math book 수학의 정석 it's usually 4 high school students and it's VERY annoying

  14. Cat gator says

    Where can I get a Korean Junkie T Shirt????

  15. Abby says

    Wait what you're in highschool? You look 25 possibly 30…

  16. 이선경 says

    의정부 고등학교는 공고 아닌데.. 의정부 공고는 따로 있어요. 의정부고등학교는 경기도 북부에서 공부 제일 잘하는 애들이 모이는데예요. 의정부, 동두천 포천 연천.. 이런데서 제일 명문대인데.. 다아 거기서 거기지만..

  17. _ Lim says

    green dude actually had a theme he was the pot of greed lol hence the cards on him.

  18. 말합시다생각하고 says

    ㅋㅋㅋ재밌게 잘 봤어요!의정부고가 공고인지는 잘 모르겠지만 한국의 거의 모든 고등학생들은 학교에서 저런 슬리퍼를 신고있어요~그리고 2분30조 쯤에 나온 자전거를 탄 두 학생은 매드맥스를 표현한게 아닐까 싶네요

  19. 다함께탁탁탁 says

    1:00 maybe digimon, name is etemon.he sings in digimon and he is monkey

  20. 임호성 says

    외국인이 처음 한국어를 들었을 때 어떻게 들리는지 궁금해요!

  21. ptrmustdie says

    those two guys riding a bike they trying to be look like those Bald guys in the Mad Max Movie

  22. 예은 :3 says

    What is the flower boy concept I always hear about it ?

  23. xxx says

    Great video! Greetings from Estonia 🙂

  24. ᅳ솔다 says

    지금 종로지나가다봤어요! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아닌가요? 디게아는척하고싶었다는!ㅋㅋㅋ

  25. bobb 33 says

    삼선슬리퍼 신는다고 공대생인걸 어찌 아는건가여…ㅎ

  26. bobb 33 says

    포카리스웨트 패러디한 학생 포카리회사에서 음료수 엄청 많이 받음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  27. Cian Nelson says

    He's in High school?  Geez I thought he was in his 20's or so…

  28. super boy says

    no offense, but are you by any chance related to Armin Meiwes or German? you look like a younger version of him

  29. Floofloo says

    oh my, its the meme man. the guy with the pee stain next to a tree

  30. 나희 says

    2:21 is a book!! That is a math book. Almost students hate thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  31. Alyssa Batista says

    Omg I think the two guys that were on the bike with bald caps & white paint all over them were supposed to be from the new Mad Max movie. They should've gotten a 8/9 instead of a 5 haha

  32. Melancholy Kid says

    Luv his shirt

  33. Erika Cacha says

    OMG I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL SO SO SO SO MUCH! It's best thing♥ Got so many information about korea here (the real korea life). Thankyou very much.

  34. Liame Cavaness says

    i think 1:14 is meant to be Donald Duck

  35. Clarice Lee says

    Your accent is so cute aw ♡

  36. ArtXie says

    Can you tell us how your journey about studying Korean/going to Korean etc? I'm currently learning Korean on my own and i'm in high school and I was wondering if you could tell me your story to motivate me even further c: I love your videos btw~

  37. 김용학 says

    잘못알고계신게 너무 많아요
    그게 뭘 의미하는건지 한번쯤 검색해보고 ㅇ올라셧으면 좋겠어요

  38. Emilie Quinol says

    oh my… they are so sexy and..( what the hell is this !!?? so funny) XD 3:27

  39. nmbv090 says

    its not a bag actually it is math book 수학의정석 which almost every korean highschooler have

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