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Awkward School Photos, yearbook photos that will make you laugh and smile. Top 10 awkward photos from school.

Welcome back to Serious Delivery these are the 10 most awkward yearbook photos that shouldn’t have gone Viral but did.

What’s more unfortunate about this image? The photo being cropped to imply a 3 letter word, or the fact that this kid wears American Eagle clothing to begin with?

You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t always take the cunt..tree out of the girl.

This young knight appropriately dressed in chain mail for his yearbook photo, conveniently surrounded by just a fraction of the women in his school that won’t sleep with him.

This quote by Martin Luther King has long been overshadowed by his more famous quote of I have a dreamcicle

This young man must have been named after his parent’s two favorite things. I hear his little sister is named Birth Control.

#05 Womb With A View
megan, megan, megan. We like what we see too.
On another note, did you check for echoes? HELLO IN THERE!!!!

#04 Nguyening Solution
For those who don’t get the title joke, the name is actually pronounced Nguyen. So yeah, these 4 young ladies came up with a ngueyning solution to once and for all put a damper on the rumor that they were related.

#03 Powder
At the end of the movie Powder we see the main character Jeremy a.k.a powder get zapped by a lightning bold and he disappears into a ball of energy…I guess only to transport to a high school in Japan.

#02 Young Love
This unfortunately titled page in the year book implies there’s something much deeper going on here between these two… Yes, I did say deeper.

#01 Just Say No
When the Just Say No got together for their club photo, it quickly became clear, this guy is who you wanted to hang with after school.

If you enjoyed these Top 10 Awkward School and yearbook photos that’ll make you laugh or smile then don’t forget to Subscribe!

  1. Adrianna Bakerfield says

    Keeping it simple and following through is what every "secret formula" has in common, and they work. As long as you're consistent, it would be super hard to not see the angular cheilitis disappear within a few hours. There's this one method I found in google, in Jesen Roztald's website, if I remember, that sums up everything quite nicely.

  2. Lydia Shoben says

    lol 'awkard'

  3. Icyangel10 says

    So I guess you never saw Dragon Ball Z?(Photo 3)

  4. محمد ادینه says

    تصویرماقطع است

  5. 4. Bid says


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