Perfect Photo and Camera Match with fSpy and Blender

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“I learned stuff from this video. Short and sweet. There’s a few nice tricks you won’t wanna miss.”
-masterxeon1001 (who has used fSpy before)

Please check out my free Gumroad course:

where I go over in very short time how to use the freely available fSpy to match camera angles to a photograph. And, using the fSpy Blender addon, you can import the camera settings perfectly along with the photo background.

fSpy is a wonderful tool createtd by Per Gantelius and available at

  1. Werner Hiemer says

    It is so free it costs you your email. haha

  2. MikvanEven says

    So if there is a one point vanishing point. And you don't know the focal length of the camera does that mean you won't be able to put it in the correct perspective?

  3. Joky Bones says

    is it possible to combine fspy with the blender camera tracker?

  4. Josh Render says

    Thank you so much for this man

  5. Rombout Versluijs says

    hahah whatsup with the typewrite talking, stop talk stop talk… PS There is also Camera Calibration addon which is fully in blender. It has better clearing and code than blam had. Not sure if fSpy is better than BLAM, haven tried it yet

  6. Harry Mulholland says

    Hi Chipp
    Thanks for your videos on this app and the use of perspective in pictures. I know I'm kind of late to the party but I just started using this today. I used Blam a lot in the past and haven't had time to do any Blender projects lately. I found that if you hold down the shift button while moving a control point you will get a magnifier that allows extreme accuracy in the placement of the point.

  7. digital art says

    sir please help im not able to fspy file in maya 🙏🙏

  8. Josy Webandcrafts says

    I have installed the fSpy addon on blender 2.79, but I can't open the fSpy file. Please advice

  9. Shadowcub says

    1.0.2 Seems to be working fine with Blender 2.8 beta.

  10. Scott Sheehan says

    Thank you! I just tried fSpy and watched your tutorial on Gumroad. It set my camera up perfectly in Blender.

  11. Deepak Bisht says

    Unable to install the add on in blender 😢

  12. maicom coelho lopes says

    muito obrigado por compartilhar 🙂

  13. GunsIndustry says

    I have a problem where the addon for blender isn't getting installed. Really weird.

  14. Christopher says

    What about motion, it seems it only works with still images ?

  15. calogero cangialosi says

    Hi Chipp…i use 3ds max…can you tell me if there a way to export data position to a 3ds max camera?'s a very useful program..thanks. Lillo

  16. Rory Mayne says

    So great! Thank you for the valuable tutorial!

  17. Gavin Downes says

    there will be a lot of addons that are no longer compatible with 2.8 for a while.
    just run 2.79, make your scene, flick to 2.8

  18. dd b says

    It's so sad that it's not part of blender anymore

  19. Marco Di Mario says

    Thanks Chipp! Super super useful tut! Very powerful.

  20. Bohdan Lvov says

    Yeah! One headache less now!

  21. rob baldwin says


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