El Paso Haunted School Photo Thumbnail EXPLAINED | UNEDITED PODCAST

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El Paso High school, known to have a haunted urban legend where a ghost girl roams and haunts the fourth floor. A tragic event that happened in the 80s…is it myth or is she really there? These photos show her.


  1. Alex McMahan says

    I am actually a student at this school and I do believe it is haunted because I have been seeing things every so often.

  2. ida martinez says

    woop qoop el paso rocks 🀘

  3. Laura Vazquez says

    My mom is the girl next to the ghost girl she was never there ! If you don’t believe me you can look up the name in that row ! My moms name is Beatriz . I went to El Paso high and that picture is in the hallway .

  4. Fnaf_ Fanatic says

    El Paso is not haunted

  5. Abigail Puente says

    I'm living in el Paso and i went there

  6. marco quezada says

    i been there i went to the field at 3 am nothing happens

  7. Lobitojr915 gamer says

    I live near it

  8. whatever gose jayd/plaz says

    No her boyfriend was the football player that died on the football field cuz of a hart attack and she got so sad she killed her self

  9. RIOS BOY says

    my cuz lives in el paso tex there freind lives my the school. and it scary we play oit side we here voice. saying mamy

  10. Miguel Gonzalez says

    I lived in a haunted house in el paso tx the house is located in the street alaska

  11. Anthony ballesteros says

    The girl is actually my dad's friend mom back then if u move in a picture it would make a blur so that is not a ghost but there is plenty of other ghost in elpaso also I go there

  12. LyricalXilence says

    OMG how do you know about my city?! You're YouTube famous and I feel special that you know about our little city. Really you're Chinese, interesting.

  13. sydny saenz says

    I went to El Paso high, and for four years I participated in many after school close to 12 midnight activities. I was a techy and unfortunately I never had any encounter with ghost only pranks. So I'm hoping one day when I visit I'll see something.

  14. Larry Blade says

    That girl has appeared in many yearbooks throughout the years , she is in my aunts yearbook class of 1950

  15. Cesar Gomez says

    I know the story behind the photograph

    she was a cheerleader and a senior there and she had a boyfriend and he broke up with her.she jumped off a balcony on the 4th floor.her class took a class picture and she appeared but she was already dead.they closed down a hallway on the 4th floor were the balcony she jumped off was.they say that there is always fog or mist in that hallway and a green gooey substance always drip down from the ceiling

  16. mariely zaragoza says

    you now that my school hanks high school is super hounted answer back plz tank u

  17. Joey Ramos says

    ephs is the most haunted place in el paso Lotta history n alotta experiences there my dad coached there n has story's n I've been there in the summer after dark n had my own encounters

  18. Zero Luck says

    My dad was in that picture

  19. Johanna Gonzalez says

    I'm from El Paso and that photo has a history behind it

  20. xX Ponyo says

    who dares me to sleep here hell im close to it couple minute drive here is a deal i reach 100 or more subs every 100 ill sleep a day say 700 ill sleep there for a week at midnight

  21. Seth Lamb says

    there's catacombs form the Spanish flue

  22. Carolina Magallanez says

    ok im from el paso and the story is that she was dating a guy on the football team and the night of home coming he broke up with her to take another girl she criedΒ got on the ledge of windo sill walked along it still conflicted then jumped and it id believed that since she didn't take a class photo she joined in so she can haveΒ a picture with "her graduating class"

  23. Anthony Barron says

    Also in this classroom i forgot which one but there is a row of desks and they are only for the ghosts

  24. Anthony Barron says

    El paso high school alot of creepy stuff has happened that

  25. Margizzle says

    also the girls restroom in the 4th floor has a window that wont close and its fucking skejdj I wont go in there

  26. Margizzle says

    there is a crematorium in the tunnels and when you go down there there are still bones and stuff its like I said fucking terrifying

  27. Margizzle says

    I go to el paso high it is haunted its fucking terrifying there are countless stories and a lot of proof the tunnels are even worse but the lady in white and the cheerleader are also scary as fuck

  28. MD MODZz says

    It's not fake its in El Paso tx its the most haunted high school in the world there tunnels and a lot more

  29. Angel Gonzalez says

    Happy Chinese New Years!!!!!!πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸΆπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

  30. Sierra.Taekwondo.85 says

    What? One student that looks different from the rest? Man, YOU RACIST! j.k. cool video bro

  31. Matthieu Enriquez says

    There is a story cus i live there but if u go to the school at night u can see the teacher or student hanging

  32. XxxKingDead100xxX k says

    I live next to this school is freaking scary at night

  33. murdough208 says

    none of this is true i went there its just a lousy picture no ever jumped from the fourth floor.When I went there it was someone from the forties not eighties on 20yrs it will from the 2010s

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