20 Tips + Poses For How To Photograph A Bride | Wedding Photography Tutorial

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WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY ONLINE COURSE: if you’re ready to launch your photography business in 2018, this online workshop class might just be what propels you further. with photography contracts, video footage from an actual wedding day, to how to build a gorgeous portfolio, facebook marketing, and LIFETIME ACCESS! use code BLOOM for 20% off!

in today’s video i am sharing over twenty different poses you can use on your bride to photograph her on at your next wedding! these are fantastic must-have shots that are very basic but really critical to capture on the wedding day! this tutorial is great for beginner photographers.



Thank you for filming:


my new PRESET PACK for adobe lightroom! available as a bundle or for individual purchase!


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  1. Jessica Whitaker says

    WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY ONLINE COURSE: http://treycockrumphotography.com/wedding-photography-mastery-jw if you're ready to launch your photography business in 2018, this online workshop class might just be what propels you further. with photography contracts, video footage from an actual wedding day, to how to build a gorgeous portfolio, facebook marketing, and LIFETIME ACCESS! use code BLOOM for 20% off!

  2. andrew amacher says

    Sorry all natural light shots look bland, some introduction of strobe or LED would make them pop.

  3. Maya M says

    As a bride to be I really love this video!! πŸ™‚ I think it's gonna be very helpful for my photo sessions. Practicing it before hand always helps πŸ™‚

  4. Carrie Gregory says

    Ohh I like the idea of shooting through the bouquet!

  5. hfranke07 says

    Did you say Rules of thirds?? And your shots are all centred… ehhhh, they dont use rule of thi
    rds at all.

  6. demegel mamilic says

    You talk too much but thanks for sharing your ideas

  7. michael amsel says

    Thanks a lot Jessica! Shooting my first wedding tomorrow, so this was very helpful!

  8. Sarvesh Parakh says

    Successfully Wasted 11 min of my life!

  9. Jonathan Derise says

    hope she didn't pay for these lighting is dark and off use a flash and soft box dress in pics is yellow hue

  10. Totmarie says

    Where is Seattle did you take these photos? They’re beautiful!!!!

  11. GazeMelo says

    The Video shows less than you would expect from the title. I miss the posing that you promised. ItΒ΄s just a behind the scenes of a normal model shoot in a wedding dress..

  12. Zaid Alamiri says

    Terrible color filter and terrible place
    And just point and shoot
    You need a beautiful place for wedding shots , not a trashy place

  13. nrws says

    Who told you that you are a photographer, idiot?

  14. Jaipal Reddy says


  15. Robert Pinto says

    What lens are you using?

  16. George Evans says

    Any reason you wouldn't have blown out the backgrounds to give shots more depth? Particularly on the second set, third shot, you've got the no no of having the window frame sticking out of her left ear. Sorry to be critical, just trying to help and point out to viewers that even great, experienced photographers can sometimes overlook the basics.

  17. George Evans says

    Love your energy and your interaction (and the intentionality of your shooting). I think we need to talk you into working with flash…lol.

  18. Kristen Ritter says

    Amazing video, very clear and informative yet fun.

  19. Michelle Cox Photography says

    So true – variation of poses is key! Plus its a super easy way to get FAST images with a limited timeline!

  20. Nelson zeledon says

    60fps looks scary to me.

  21. Kateryna Kurganska Gorbanov says

    you look like model! Let's collaborate. My Instagram @katgorbanovphoto

  22. Mnoor.S says

    the models smile is so cute!

  23. MertcanKarakaya says

    Useful vid, certainly entertaining πŸ˜€ In case some of you are curious about related videos, pay a visit to heydominik. He's got really awesome instagram tips as well:):)

  24. Alphatella says

    Your videos are always great and you have a beautiful personality. God bless you

  25. Rachel510126 says


  26. Melina Molina says

    You did an AMAZING job!!

  27. Ola Jost says

    Thanks so much β™‘
    Greetings from Germany

  28. Sabrina AraΓΊjo says

    The model is beautiful! I love the aesthetic of the photos with the flowers and her outfit!

  29. Mariah Salazar says

    when jessica films videos during a shoot do the clients get a reduced price ?

  30. dragonheart says

    WOW THESE TURNED OUT BEAUTIFULLY. video idea: maybe do one about knowing how to shoot β€œmanually”? Meaning like figuring out shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc. I feel like a lot of beginner photographers like myself have deep rooted insecurities in the fact that we can’t assess our surroundings for the best possible settings (in the moment and also in post editing)

  31. Maria Diaz says

    The model kinda looks like a younger Monica from Shameless. πŸ€”

  32. xokferg894 says

    for some reason my camera won't let me take pictures in live mode. does anyone know why that is? I have a Canon 5D Mark IV.

  33. EDITING QUEEN says

    the model is stunning <3

  34. Rodrigo Jeronimo / Dussean says

    I learned a lot 😊Nice video

  35. Farid Ara says

    Jessica why not type what's your aperture and shutter speed and iso ?

  36. Wendy Brown says

    Great work as always chicca!….keep it up and thanks as always for sharing to help others and by just being humble, sweet and fun "you".

  37. Valocity Videos says

    Loved this! Thanks Jess!

  38. Divineshot 314 says

    Beautiful Work! Awesome tips. πŸ™‚
    Everyone have a great weekend.

  39. David & Drew Photography says

    Your videos are so helpful! Just wanted to say "thank you" for always sharing such valuable content.

  40. Rima Uddin says

    Thank you for the tips! πŸ™β€οΈ

  41. Zaina Salem says

    These turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!

  42. Alicia S says

    AMAZING TIPS!!!! β€οΈπŸ˜„

  43. K Moore says

    Why did my notification just say "Hannah"?πŸ˜‚ But this is such an amazing video!!❀️

  44. arabenet says

    Oh how i wish i can be your model. I love you miss jessica

  45. Natalya k says

    Jessica you’re amazing and give me so much inspiration. Thank you so much!

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