How I Started Photography (and Became a Freelance Photographer)

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I just want to be super straight on here and let you know I’ve been dealing with a few (LOTS OF) negative thoughts over the past couple of months and it’s driving me insane. Things that I thought made me happy, are not anymore, and I’ve been trying to figure out ways to overcome that by delving deep into myself and asking a few too many questions. Recently things have been starting to look up in my head and life again (still having a few bad days but trying my hardest to deal with those) and Jack and I have been making a few huge life decisions which will hopefully make us both feel lighter in the long run! So in the midst of my heaviness I thought I’d sit down and go through from start to finish on how I actually got into photography – to give you an insight, but mainly to remind myself how far I’ve come in confidence, self esteem and progress. This isn’t a video for you to sit down and compare yourself to, because boy do I know how that feels (!!) it’s mainly to show you that ALL our journeys are different and we ALL come from different backgrounds, different abilities and different outlooks on life.

I know that I’ve been so incredibly lucky to be able to pursue a passion of mine up to this point (& hopefully continue to do so in the future!) but I also know how much HARD work goes into a career like this. I take my hat off to any freelancer or creative out there. It’s a head fuck at times, but at least we all love what we do (most of the time anyway haha). I may not be exactly where I want to be, and my successes might not match my idols, but all our paths are different and I know that I have a life ahead of me to keep trying, learning, and creating, and I’m happy with that.

It’s a healthy exercise if you are feeling stuck, lost and exhausted with your journey. Grab a pen and write down all your successes, failures and how far you have come. It might make you feel an inch better (as it has done for me).

P.s I’ve missed quite a bit out (like WHEN I STARTED YOUTUBE ETC) because I can’t tell you my FULL life story in one video haha, but hopefully you got the gist of the thought processes/events which lead to me becoming a photographer.



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  1. bellapetal says

    Inspiring video . Thank you for sharing your journey, life experience and how hard you have worked to get to where you are . Wishing you continued success and happiness

  2. Becky Blissitt says

    Fascinating to hear about your photography journey,and so glad you are keeping on with your YouTube channel as I am much better at watching on here than keeping up with Instagram,looking forward to seeing more of your videos . xx

  3. Rahima Akter says

    This was very interesting to watch. I’ve just started dabbling in photography in my final year of uni and I feel more comfortable doing this than anything else. I’m now more confused than ever because I’m not that into my major but I’m just a beginner in photography so I can’t just dedicate everything to it. Any advice for beginners like myself who aren’t exactly starting early?

  4. Katie Jarosinski says

    love listening to people's stories on how they got to where they are now. especially through the eyes of social media it can seem like it happened overnight or it was always like that sort of situation. here's a question. how did you go about figuring out how to start your freelance business from the business side of things? (ie: making packages, starting a company, price, etc?) love your work!

  5. teani photography says

    So inspiring personality! You're awesome Holly!

  6. teani photography says


  7. Nicki J says

    OMG YAP! Those were the days. It's been incredible to watch you go from the London & High Rocks shoots to where you are now. 😘

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