1. rick bowers says

    you are so wrong!!! about so many things in this video!!! I knew Ansel Adams!!! You are so wrong about his work!!! Try reading a book on Ansel Adams and all of the photographer and try to fake it on your next video!!! OMFG!!!! This video is shit!!!

  2. S Baines says

    A lot of work but very well presented thank you.👍

  3. Thanks for this wonderful presentation. A few glitches here an there, and a little out of sync. But very informative.
    I came across Annie Leibovitz in 2017 in Arles. What a personality. See the photos I took of her here https://goo.gl/K6FrCq

  4. James Li says

    great presentation! the slide advancing got screwed up a bit though around Arbus, and I think Klein

  5. Pat Yeaman says

    Wonderful presentation!!

  6. Paresh Pandit says

    This was a great presentation – thank you. Waiting for more such posts from you guys! 🙂

  7. SIMPLY P says

    interesting presentation! thank you!

  8. KPUT-TV / KPUT Radio says

    Thanks for your thoughtful and well-researched presentation.

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