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This is from the October 16th update build
A Challenge were every student/teacher need to be together for a school group photo. (Osana not included because shes not in the game yet)

  1. Kerry Keo says

    You should do this with the new build and try high population too

  2. Luny- Chan :3 says


  3. scrap baby says


  4. Carøline says

    this is fucking epic.

  5. Ayano Aishi says

    Make Senpai and Budo Dance Akwardly Infront The Girls .. And The Teachers Trying To Stop them Dancing , And Saki and Kokona Trying to Stop them

  6. Lora Belal says

    hahahaha everyone is taking a picture and senpai dont want to show hees face
    Everyone: Helo
    Senpai: I dont care about pitcure i am just going to sit and read my book

  7. Tae's blanket says

    ,,School Photo!Pls smile;) "
    * Sempai still reading his book *
    ,nothing to smile here,this girl in our school is a killer ! 😓"

  8. Tae's blanket says

    ,,School Photo!Pls smile;) "
    * Sempai still reading his book *
    ,nothing to smile here,this girl in our school is a killer ! 😓"

  9. Antonia Maslac says

    Can you make Sakyu Basu kissing Oka and Shin being shocked plz thx luv yo vids gurl sorry im weird 😊

  10. JeongI.N'sNetfelixAccount says

    Can you try and create the rivals and make them fight over Senpai?

  11. Megami Iksu says

    Hahaha poor Ayano, fell at the end XD

  12. jozica klincic says

    die 😈😈

  13. greg brooks says

    can you make the students spying on kokona then kokona looks put a angry face on her and senapi walks in hi

  14. Cathy Macarat says

    I have one! Make senpai reject osana's confession under the sakura tree on the hill

  15. Newzkung Raccoonza says

    How can you make everything while the time still at 7 AM?

  16. Yandere Miki says

    how did you make her trip

  17. Tiki Chan says

    The students look animated

  18. Syed Shoaib Hassan says


  19. Yui Rio says

    This is a very weird request, but can you pose Juku and Chojo making out with someone catching them in the act?

  20. Helen The Kitten says

    I have a challenge for you pose all students dating

  21. Gustavo G says

    strike a Pose all the school leading  a play

  22. Yandere San says

    Can you please make Yandere-chan sitting like a Mida Rana on the pile of bodies?

  23. ii Cookie ii says

    I know you can't make Sempai KISS Yandere~Chan :3

  24. PBC GOOF says

    wheres info chan?

  25. Zyozli says

    Please make Osana yelling at senpai for being late (P.S if you do this, make senpai put his hands over his face)

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