Review of Fujifilm GFX 50R and Why Digital Medium Format Photography is the Future


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Why Digital Medium Format is a Game-Changer for Color Photography:

  1. Michael Nylif says


  2. says

    I think crop sensor medium format is overrated. If you're after image quality, just pair a high megapixel FF camera with Zeiss Otus lenses & be done with it.

  3. Funktrainer says

    I like the Hassys more in terms of design, availability and value for money. Also their modularity is great. It is one of the last real system cameras.

  4. KentuckyBourbon Fade says

    "focuses pretty quickly" … that might be the reason why you would choose a Sony or Nikon FF, as they focus really fast. I had an Hasselblad and the image quality was superb, but with a slow focus, you miss so much. I was really impressed with the image quality of Fuji's other medium format model (GFX 50S), but the flash sync speed of 125/1 was too slow. Maybe there next model though.

  5. Roseman bridge says

    Dreadful review.

  6. Mameo Khun says

    Interesting video, but I just don't get the comment about the Fuji vs. the pentax, if anything I would think is the opposite, seems like fujifilm is hot right now and the likelihood of further firmware improvements and lens ecosystem expansion are probably more likely to give it better longevity, if you compare both probably the pentax would be the outdated kit at this point, not to mention performance.

  7. Playfer says

    There's as big a difference in sensor area between APS-C and FF as there is between FF and the GFX 50R (approx 2x).

  8. pinero91 says

    I tired it its a bit chunky for use as a street photography camera what do you think of it

  9. Fellow Citizen says

    GFX 100S is not as big as I thought it would be, and has far better ergonomics, so it may suit fieldwork better.

    The GFX 50S/R are great, however they were examples of Fuji making use of existing componentry, much of which was slightly dated when they began the programme. So the GFX 100S is more intentional, more Fuji (except for the lost dials). Of course, it's also far more expensive. You should get it for night street for stabilised 100mp.

    What's happening with the G9? Please try the Lumix S1 and Sigma's L mount Foveon when they release 🙂

  10. Max Huertas says

    I just bought the fujifilm x-e2. I can’t to start shouting with that. I’ll be making a video with photo samples when I get the camera on Friday. I ordered it from B&h for 423 not bad for just the body and I have a 28mm 2.8 manual lens from meike. I can’t wait to use it.

  11. tenaciousK says

    Greetings Eric! The Fuji also does not use AA filter. Sensor is identical to Pentax (both CMOS). Therefore RAW files between the 2 cameras should not be too far different.
    Also for those who prefer a SLR body like Pentax, the Fuji has the S model alternative.

  12. John Ishii says

    Bought already with 3 lens

  13. Jose Juarez says

    In what situation would you consider a 50MP Medium Format outdated? I'm 10, 15, 20 years this is still going to be a great camera. Nothing against the Pentax but between the Pentax and the Fuji I would end up using the Fuji a lot more. The Pentax just looks like a camera that would stay inside of a case in the studio and only comes out after all the lights are setup.

  14. Max Huertas says

    Why did you buy this camera?

  15. random camera junk says

    He's in uniform again

  16. Eric Gibaud says

    Thanks for you sincere opinion.

  17. Judy Finnegan says

    You're liking the medium format views and clicks aren't you my sweet prince. Does it remind you of the old days when you were less irrelevant?

  18. Wang Longfei says

    Didn’t you have a Panasonic g something m43 camera??

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