See The Difference Video: Senior Yearbook Pictures


High school seniors and their parents talk about the benefits of hiring a professional photographer for yearbook photos. Find a senior yearbook photographer near you at

About PPA: Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the world’s largest non-profit photography association organized for professional photographers, by professional photographers…and with over 28,000 creative members in more than 50 countries. Learn more about PPA at

About See The Difference: Consumers don’t always have the information in hand to understand the difference a professional photographer can make. The goal of this campaign is to help consumers “see the difference” when they are evaluating photographers…and realize the importance of hiring a pro. As part of the campaign, online advertising and social media drive prospects to specialized landing pages that highlight articles, image galleries, videos and search capabilities linked to our exclusive PPA Find-a-Photographer database:

  1. Sharon Lyle says

    I love you Lana L!!!!!! We are sooooo proud of you,,,, Not only are you beautiful, you are the best niece ever!!! Love Aunt Sharon L

  2. Theodore King says

    As a PPA member, watching this video makes me want to work even harder for my clients. Great video.

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