Professional Portrait Skin Retouching in Photoshop (Part 1/2)


Here I go over another portrait retouch! Please watch another one of my retouching tutorials if you’re not familiar with Frequency Separation.
An indepth tutorial on FREQUENCY SEPARATION:


SNAPCHAT: jessicakobeissi

  1. Emeraldcoastexotica says

    Awesome video Jessica! Thank you for this tutorial its very helpful 🙂

  2. Ryan Robertson says

    Amazing video!

  3. Bright Eru says

    Hello Jessica, the link for the frequency separation doesn't open anymore. Please can you help me

  4. The Jakes says

    you lost me already cause wtf is an action tab can't find that.

  5. Alina Makei says

    Did you watch this video before posting it here? The portrait is completely blur. Not sure why folks are liking it. Totally disappointed.

  6. Jinette Lopez says

    Hey Jessica! What tutorials did you watch that really made retouching click for you! I know practice makes perfect just wondering! Thanks!

  7. DUFFdanihell says


  8. poriya ansari says

    very so bad

  9. maksphoto78 says

    Ergh, that's not how to use frequency separation. After selecting "Linear Light" blend mode, use a free selection tool (with some feathering) to select shiny or blotchy part of the face, then go to "colour" layer and gradualy increase Gaussian Blur until the skin tones and colours are better evened out. This preserves the skin texture.

  10. SpaceCows says

    I want to get Photoshop. I tried it out and highly recommend it

  11. snapshopped. says

    Why do more and more people, who have no idea themselves, claim to be professionals and teach others how to retouch? The result of it is visible on Instagram. 90% of portraits are over retouched using FS, leaving a gallery of artifacted puppet faces all around. Congrats to Youtube and "Influencers". They do have influence; bad influence.

  12. Arman Sheikh says

    try use soft brush. change the blending mode when you use healing tools. the forehead looks horrible specially near the hair line.

  13. SyllabusSimplified says

    Love the video, and your funny jokes…

  14. Scrappingz says

    Wats the texture layer

  15. Lanalicious says

    I just found you 🙈 and I’m in love with your work 🙌🏼 can you do more makeup tutorials like how to pop the highlight and colorful eyeshadows and eyebrows ❤️😘

  16. Tristen Williams says

    I love your style of retouching, I hope you just ignore all of the negative comments that are on this video. You're a professional photographer and retoucher with her own unique style and that's why people (like me!) love your work. You're videos on retouching have saved me so much time and have significantly improved the quality of my portraits, so hank you so much!

  17. Abhiyan Khanal says

    photo is out of focus

  18. Dom V. says

    nice video, i pretty much nailed that technique on first photo, thanks 😀

  19. Haider Ali says

    Hi jess. Which software you are using for retouching photos

  20. lamfilipos says

    Kudos for the Video! Apologies for the intrusion, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you considered – Riddleagan Made Masterpiece Remedy (do a search on google)? It is a smashing one off product for learning professional photo editing minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my friend at very last got excellent results with it.

  21. ANTHONY SCOTT says

    Excellent lesson Jessica. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  22. David Djian says


  23. Catalin says

    Professional portrait with whatever value for gaussian blur in action :)) Sorry…PixImperfect is the best in PS 😉

  24. SeanP7195 says

    Nope, you suck, waste of time.

  25. C Michaud says

    The Stamp Song (Remix)

  26. Dream Good says

    Good looking.

  27. Harsh Bhutani says

    Your voice..🔥🔥

  28. Nypes says

    this is a weird way to do frequency seperation. but i guess it works. i think the mix brush is a much better meathod

  29. TheRealDamiani says

    Making models look like mannequins smh

  30. DarkRoomVision says

    FREQUENCY SEPARATION is white in your action

  31. Danium Karas says

    I dont understand anything here hahah just used healing brush tool

  32. Jonathan P says

    I love you! Thank you for this. I'm learning and I'm crying because I'm having hard time but not quitting. 🙂

  33. Melissa Sliominas says

    Thank you SO much for sharing this technique, Jessica. My retouch were awful because I was trying to follow the easyest (and laziest) way. I thought I would never be able to do it, then I tried again yesterday following your guidelines and the images improved a lot. Thank you!

  34. Mirza Lumicisi says

    i dont know im just slow, but how tf did you unblur the image? I literally have no clue

  35. Ahmed Eid says

    why when i apply the action, it shows me a white photo?

  36. Jason Mays says

    I actually loved the finished results.

  37. xmoore2891 says

    Soooooooo u created a frequency separation action to blur the photo all over again with the healing brush???? This defeats the purpose of using the frequency separation technique.

  38. 7afiz says

    This was really helpful! Thanks Jessica.

  39. gregkrazanski says

    i don't get why you got rid of all the texture LOL what was the point of the frequency separation? may as well have just done a surface blur from the get go to get the result you got

  40. Tushar Luthra says

    Wasted my 15 minutes in this.

  41. Thalia Fernandez says

    Hey Jess! Can you please publish a video using photoshop CC 2017? I dont see "frequency separation". BTW totally new to this! 🙂 Love your vids!

  42. Breanna Fountain says

    how do you do this with people with freckles?

  43. Red Baggy says

    This is absolutely great! I tried many different techniques of retouching and it's something new for me. There is nothing "awful" or "far from being professional retouching" here. It's just another beautiful and quick way to have great result.
    Get over it, guys, learn something from the experience of other people, you are not the only professionals in the world.
    There can be many different situations and types of shooting. And not always we have a lot of time to save EVERY PORE. Except if it's not beauty shooting.
    Jessica, thank you!!

  44. Pablo Sacoto says

    What does texture do in the photos?

  45. Charlette Harper says

    I just laugh my head off….what type of retouching is this.

  46. NatoSz says

    i love your commentary over the vid. hilarious. real truth. great!

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