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Come along with me as I start the end of this amazing journey!!! (sorry I’ve been M.I.A guys we just finished moving)
Email: [email protected]
IG @thesauceyprincess
SC @swishersaucey
Twitter @sauceyprincess

P.O. box
10990 Fort Caroline rd.
PO box 351106
Jacksonville, Fl

  1. Forever Ciera says

    JazJackson could be your big sister. You resemble her ❤️

  2. xo Tanae says

    Soo pretty 😍

  3. Jada Dominique says

    Where did you get your romper from ? 😩

  4. MahniXo ! says

    Class of 2019 ✌🏾✌🏾

  5. La negra says

    Sus was hyping you up👏👏👏

  6. Zoriah Tranelle says

    My senior pictures are in 2weeks and i look 12 yrs old

  7. Shawna Sims says

    We’re did you get the jump suit 😍😍 I have senior pictures to do and I can’t find anything I like

  8. Lolo Tanguma says

    Dice mi hija y mi nieta es

  9. The Heni Family says

    I have greats we can do ! Collab ?

  10. Michelle S says

    Where did you get that jumpsuit at the end🤩🤩

  11. Terri Angel says

    i missed you ☹️ !!

  12. Tyrek wilson says

    Baee fine ass😩🤤😍💯

  13. Angel Benson says

    Hey brenda im lamonts cousin

  14. adri.グランジ says

    So pretty✨😍

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