Top 5 Tips & Tricks for Senior Portraits Photography – MpactPhoto Tutorials


Learn these top 5 tips and tricks for making the most out of your senior portraits. Everything from camera settings and lenses, to lighting and posing.

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  1. Nathan Jimenez says

    I have no problem Doing All the thinking Manual is the best way to get the most out of your camera

  2. Mario Carranza says

    I found your photos to be a little too washed out, sorry for the critique. Your posing is too static. Your tips were good.

  3. Walter Kancyan says

    Just plain snapshots

  4. Abel Riojas Photography says

    I picked this up from another photographer. Once you're done going through their poses (the stuff you've asked them for) just watch them and they'll usually settle into their natural poses and most of my clients have loved this. The key is don't creep them out…just wait and see what they'll do.

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