LOW LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY – Taking BETTER shots in BAD conditions.


The Music I use: – AMAZING for YouTubers
Colour Graded with my PM LUTS Pack :

My Super Awesome Tactical Camera Bag :
My MAIN Camera –
The Vlog Cam :
My Second Backup Camera –
My FAVOURITE Lens Ever –
The Lens I am currently using right for EVERYTHING –
The Magic Canon Lens of Life –
Best gimbal ever :
The Mic I use –
The Boom Mic I use for Crispy Audio :
My Drone –
My Bigger Drone –
My Tiny Drone –
The stabilizer I use with iPhone :
My Slider –
The BEST monopod –
GoPro HERO 5 –


  1. Peter McKinnon says

    YO FRIENDS! Enjoy todays video! Also it was my birthday yesterday and it was great 🙂 As you were.

  2. JDollaz says

    You are the best man !

  3. Elder Valiente says

    Subscribed because neon+sythwave = heaven

  4. God I love synth soundtracks. Adds to the neon aesthetic so well. It's why I love Drive so much.

  5. treborrrrr says

    Does anyone happen to know the name of the track that starts playing at 1:10? I need it in my life. edit: Found it finally: Wave Saver – Night Stalker

  6. Julie Alcin says

    I wish there was something like this here

  7. Kaitlin Melissa says

    Ok this is the coolest thing

  8. Sarah245 says

    How did he get so many signs?!

  9. Miguel Tellez says

    adding this to my bucket list! follow me on instagram! @zealousphotography for more portraits!

  10. Jenni Maija Helena says

    You should check out God’s Own Junkyard in North East London, there are hundreds or thousands of neon signs in a small space and it is INSANE! http://www.godsownjunkyard.co.uk/

  11. ArtChickTV says

    great tips and very entertaining

  12. Jo says

    what a dude!

  13. Tyrone Taylor says

    Man I’m new to photography and your videos have been such great help! Thanks for posting dude 👍

  14. Robert Diaz says


  15. Monika Chauhan says

    Hi..thanks for the tips..one ques..how to focus on the moving subjects? auto focus seems to be very slow in low light

  16. ELVISFX says

    Dope place!

  17. Claudia Basson says

    Peter, thanx for great videos, full of very useful tips. Keep it coming!

  18. Melissa H says

    What an awesome studio!

  19. Gibson Shuffles says

    YO. I was just saying how on my T3i , 800 ISO was pushing it.
    I shot at 3200 on my EOS R because I was scared to go further (as I should have) & my photos were still a little too dark. I pulled my shadows back in post like WTF! There's NO grain!?

  20. Sujal Gurung says

    Everything I shoot in low-light is always like different light-up signs of buildings and streetlights and stuff, nothing else.

  21. CG Marshall3 says

    @cgmarshall3 my last night shot was at 50 ISO "The Owl Tree" my "Alien" shot was shot at 350 ISO Nikon D750 with Tamron 15-30 mn f 2.8

  22. Expedito Calixto says

    Thanks for the advise at the end, man! I realy needed to hear that, @Peter McKinnon

  23. V 14 says

    1:30. Those Chinese characters means “these are Chinese characters “
    That’s ridiculous.

  24. CS ENZ says

    Im pretty sure this is the same place that SICKICK shot one of his videos…

  25. Magdalena Häupl says

    I'm a little confused with the aperture of my camera (I'm kind of a beginner) because sometimes it's able to open up to f2 or even wider and the next time its not even at f5, what does this have to do with and is there something I can do about it?

  26. Chrissy says

    1:08 like a scene out of Tron, so cool!

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