Samuel Elkins Photography Studio Tour
Here is my long awaited studio tour! Finally finished up everything, so stoked to bring you guys this video.
Everything mentioned in this video is on my Kit.
Artists mentioned :
Sam Larson –
Nicole Mason –
instagram // @samuelelkins
Man I luv your gear and studio. Such cool vibes. In such little space. I want to make my bedroom into a studio in a way. But idk how. I have sky blue walls so I need help.
Cool studio, you can only dream about this)
I love this content. Awesome photography.
holy shit you manhandle keys and redbulls my dude. thanks for the video!
This video got me diabetes
this is so sick. id honestly love to do this even if i wasnt making a lot of money
Great office tour!
Turned the ac off for the video!!!!!! That's true dedication!! Love it
Keep up the content man, super enjoyable!
dude!!!! ur fucking Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great video. Loved it. Can you please let us know what stabilizer do you use for shooting?
Hey dude! I dig your desk setup, but I'm having a hard time finding the table top that you used to make your desk with. Any pointers on finding it?
Cheers man!
do you have a link for the iPhone lenses and case you mentioned? I've been looking for a set of those for a while. Thanks!
Please make a workflow tutorial!
How big is your office in sq ft if you don't mind me asking. I'll be getting a studio too soon so just wanna get an idea on the space I'm going to be working with
idk why but these videos are always such an inspiration; always interesting to see where people do their work
Thank you Samuel, great video!
is that a secret message at 0:50 or is that just me
Sweet video Dude !
You guys are incredible! To be your model is a dream)))
Thanks for the insight Sam. Were you hired by the studio or did you buy it with your friends?
would love to marry you hey sam
Thought you were holding a vape😤
keeping your passport on the desk that you know where it is…. man… grow up. you are a kind of 007 fotoguys….:) 🙂
Nice job Sam. You got the links to your studio buddies too?
Can someone tell me what the red and black tag or keychain thing is on his desk at 7:30? I see them everywhere and would like to know its purpose! Thank You!