Line Art Photo with Adobe Illustrator ( FULL )


this Tutorial explain a Line Art photo with Aplikasi Adobe illustrator,
Step by step full part with Middle speed, you must try !!!!!
Easily, Artistic, Creatifity, Enjoy . . .

This Artwork special to cellebration of mother day,
and special korean actres Soo Young.
Music by:
Melody Day (ins)
Ken : My Girls (inst)
Megan Lee : Ready for love (inst)
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  1. Art and Fun says

    Good work what a talent

  2. joy pamo says

    have just come across this and it is JUST what I need. Thank you so very much.

  3. Qudama Rafiq says

    Amazing 🔝

  4. Arnar The Melon says

    Hey, uh.. someone showed me this channel, which has the same video over and over and over- and it includes this video.

  5. antok mediatama says

    see my line art in

  6. Creative Space says

    wanna do your own business improvement with new graphics ??? check here

  7. Wilfredo Frenal says

    Wow…very good work….but isn't an tutorial…

  8. Malcolm X says

    nice work

  9. Creative Space says

    check our gig's on fiverr marketplace, You can find something useful

  10. Simply the Best says

    so inkscape is better cause you can actually draw on it and not have to rely on manipulating lines only….

  11. KW Studio says

    Gokil tutorialnya, bisa nambah wawasan buat pemula…

  12. Ali Karakan says

    Çok güzel (Very good)

  13. Full what? Full video with no talking?

  14. Mark Hi says

    Good sample

  15. Brainwave 76 says

    These kinds of "tutorials" do no one any good.

  16. Bilal Ahmad says


  17. AdriAnsyah says


    subscribe channelku yaa

  18. Syaima Syafa Sajidatullah says


  19. md.mitul islam says

    good work………..

  20. mahmod abdulsalam says

    thank you,

  21. bastiar basri says

    pagi, bro bagaimana cara menghilangkan garis hijau di pen tool ? soalnya bagi saya mengganggu

  22. ASRUL 011 says


  23. mobiitees says

    Interesting to watch, but without dialogue, it doesn't really explain much. It would be easier to do it by hand on a light box.

  24. Olusegun Benson says

    love your line art drawing really looks close to the photo.

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