How To Take Great High School Senior Portraits with Jeff Cable


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Jeff Cable Photography:
Jeff shows you some of his favorite high school senior portraits and tells you how he captured them. He gives you tips for shooting locations, and talks about how to capture the personality of the senior in your photos – and how to make money doing it.

  1. Harvey S says

    Disappointing. Almost all 'natural light' which is often a way of saying, doesn't feel comfortable with strobes.

  2. Brooke Wilson says

    I need help! My camera all of a sudden (maybe my friend dropped my camera I’m not sure) my flash goes up but doesn’t actually work (the light is there but not in the picture when it’s actually being taken ) and now all of my pictures are blurry if not being held PERFECTLY still? It’s lower than iPhone quality or equal. UNLESS it is in very bright sunlight then the pictures turn out great! I have the Nikon d3000. Do you have any advice please!!

  3. John Kaddouri says

    LOL!! You got me! Great presentation, and lots of valuable information.

  4. Nick Barrett says

    He gives great info, but I take better pictures with my T6

  5. SeanP7195 says

    I had a Canon 70-200 2.8ii, sold it because I never used it and wasn't good at photography, got good at photography and now I can't afford it. Ugh, go figure. But the 85mm 1.8 does a good job. Seems like you didn't use much off camera lighting. I also have heard people say "the camera is the worst place for the flash to be" and I don't necessarily agree with that either. One of my best shoots wasn't almost all on on-camera flash (with a Rogue FlashBender attached).

  6. Noah Stephens says

    These photos are very not good.

  7. Chip Bott says

    The video was fine, the images were ok, especially if he is sending several hours with a client.  At the end of the day, if the client liked them, who cares what anyone else thinks?  People are idiots sometimes.  It's all about the client and what they like, not what you like.  We all have our own styles and they are always changing.  He even admits it at the end when he says, base your price on what you think your skill level is.

  8. Nick Parisho says

    that was an awesome video…

  9. Vince Revolution says

    Very Informative!

  10. Elaina Eichorn says

    thank you for this!! this helped loads! I'm starting up a photography business and I'll definitely watch more of your videos 🙂

  11. matt schilmoeller says

    Question I am just a beginner when it comes to photography and i have a canon 50d I have done some sports photography and I am looking to work on taking other aspects such as Senior Photography. I currently only own 28-135mm 5.6 lens, 55-250mm 5.6 and 50mm 1.8 stm lens. I am doing a practice shoot this weekend and was curious what lens should i use and if so what should my settings be at? and I don't have a flash to attach to my camera yet but i have the flash that is built onto the the camera. What mode should i use as well?

  12. FNX says

    Question. I'm a graphic designer and have a Nikon with the regular plastic factory lens. People always want me to shoot pictures and I don't charge very high for it because I am not a professional photographer…. So what do you suggest when I ise my plastic lens? I know it's not as sharp but is that one of the main reasons other than distance and width why a glass lens is better? What can I do with my plastic lens?

  13. Zandra Conner says

    Thanks so much for this teaching session. You are great! Really helped a lot!!

  14. ItsCeciliaGrace says

    what lens should i use for senior pics i have a canon rebel t5i 18-55mm lens 55-250mm lens and 50mm 1.8 stm

  15. Kelli Campbell says

    Opinions being what they are, still love the old saying "If you don't have something nice to say…"
    I learned some new things from this video and love Jeff's direct, easy to understand style. Thank you for for sharing your experience and knowledge.

  16. Dave says

    Railroad tracks are played out!

  17. ftbalz says

    Raves about super sharp sigma lens, incredible DoF and clarity…. uses blurry image

  18. Derek Macdonald says

    jeff is so awesome, i missed this one, when is jeff back in NYC I'm only 2 hours away and i would love to go to one of the seminars?

  19. Richard Luck, D.O. says

    I came across this video and found it extremely helpful, but I have two questions, 1}where do you keep all those change of outfits when on location? and 2}where do you have them change into other outfits while on location?

  20. Sam ayele says

    Hey! I go to prospect and I just stumbled on this video. Imagine my surpise it was my classmates used as examples!!

  21. Jayson Garrett says

    Good information and all…. but these images are not that good.

  22. corey thompson says

    A lot of them shot of them wide open, did you use an ND filter?

  23. Enjoy Life says

    Jeff, you said that usually you post the photos the same day. Where do you post them? On Dropbox or something similar from where your client download them?

  24. TS Fetzko says

    Thanks, Jeff.  Learned some new things.  I appreciate your honesty about trial and error and breaking out of your own comfort zones.

  25. Clinton Ermey says

    Not really a big fan of these images. He is missing a lot of fundamentals and basics in his work. Goes to show publicity and exposure go a long way.

  26. brianminkc says

    burst mode blows…

  27. hawg427 says

    39:05 I don't really like the direction of her eyes, too much of the whites to the camera. The rest of the outdoor shots are jam up great! Good video. 

  28. Adrien Jehaes says

    always waiting for Jeff Cable's videos. So informational

  29. Foto Guy says

     One of my favorite photography trainers/teachers are Jeff Cable and the other Mark Wallace Great Job Jeff…!!!!!

  30. Frank Kujawski says

    Another great presentation.  Thanks for covering the wide verity of topics.

  31. bubble601 says

    My two favorite photography trainers/teachers are Mark Wallace and Jeff Cable…
    I owe you

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