THIS was unexpected!


There was a huge surprise in the mail today!

I get some amazing things sent to me by viewers. Today I got two Sam Haskins books that are fabulous!

Sam Haskins was a British-born, South African photographer famous for his photo books in the 1960’s. These featured his style of “in camera” montage images. His son Ludwig Haskins sent these to me. What an honor!

Sam Haskins

Sam Haskins :: Cowboy Kate and Other Stories
Michael Kenna :: Holga

Also featured:
Mark Duffy :: Louth Rediscovered
Elijah Howe :: Stem Magazine
James Brook :: I’d Put You In A Mirror

Check out my other videos:
• Canon EOS RP :: Why?
• No Photography Allowed?!?
• Minimalism
• Your Weekly Photography Inspiration
• Panasonic S1, S1R :: First Impressions

Music is from Epidemic Sound. If you need music for your videos, Epidemic is simply the best in the business. Check them out here:

On my channel you will find videos about photography, cinematography, post processing tutorials for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, photo assignments that YOU can participate in, the Artist Series and of course me vlogging about my personal life. The Artist Series is an ongoing set of videos I produce as documentaries on living photographers. I am extremely passionate about photography and video and my goal in making these videos is to share my passion and enthusiasm with you! Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit the like button and share this video if you enjoyed it!

Ted Forbes
The Art of Photography
2830 S. Hulen, Studio 133
Fort Worth, TX 76109
US of A

  1. Kate Mulvale says

    Yesss! Would love to see a video on making zines from you! There are a few videos out there but I would love to get your take on this.

  2. Maria Colomeet says

    Yes! Great 💡, we waiting a video about making zines. Thanks!

  3. Gabriela Escobar Ari says

    That would be excellent! I would love to make my own zine!!! So looking forward to it!

  4. Mark Scheffer says

    Just met Micheal Kenna a couple of weeks ago in San Francisco, got the Holga book and the Gallery show was amazing. A zine show would be great!

  5. Ciarán Freeman says

    I'm gonna be that lad, but has to be said!

    Dundalk is pronouced as "Done – Dalk" and Louth is pronouced so that it rhymes with "Loud". They're English words that were anglicised from their Irish language names & as a result they're pronounced a little different than what you'd expect.

    Loads of love from an Irish student nurse who started using photography as a way of self expression because of your channel!

    Grá <3


  6. Mark Duffy says

    Wow, thanks so much for the feature Ted, this has made my week. Hope you enjoyed it, you've inspired so many of us with your insightful videos.

  7. Delaney Watene-Taie says

    Yes please, videos on making your own items would be 👌👌👌!!!

  8. jonathon herrmann says

    I really love holga camera. They are really cool because I use light meter for speed.

  9. John Michael says

    I too would like to see a show on zines.

  10. Nathan Johansen says

    Another comment in support of zines.

  11. Mike Young says

    I would love to see a series on Zenes. Examples of your favorites, how-to’s and everything in between!

  12. Gregory Drew says

    Sam Haskins books, wow! And Michael Kenna! I kept thinking to myself, “How lucky are you, Ted” to get all this cool stuff.

    A zine episode would be cool.

  13. Filipe Miguel says

    Zines please… thank you Ted

  14. V4D2 says

    Thanks for this , Ted.
    Nice video to watch. Fun. Informative.
    And I learned sth..u know?

  15. Definitely please do a zine video!!!

  16. Galwaybaywatch says

    My first printed photography book came today, it's 24 of my best images from 2018 at different motorsport events in the UK. Because most of them are panning shots the cars are a little soft. Also it was my first year so I've made some rookie errors like clipped shadows. They've all been cropped to fill the page with the subject so the resolution isn't great. But it's been a big learning curve so intend to grow from it.

  17. San S says

    These segments are so inspiring. Hope you do make how to zine video to give a basic idea

  18. Christopher Herrick says

    I was about to ask, but I see other comments about “Zines” first I ever heard of it.

  19. Corbin LeGrand says


  20. Steven Lawson says

    Apologies if someone already mentioned this, but say the word ‘mouth’, then put an ‘L’ where the ‘m’ is and that’s how you pronounce ‘Louth’. 😁

  21. Max Nex says

    Please due a segment on Zines!!! sounds like a new and interesting way to get some work out and about !!!!

  22. ubercurious says

    Please do the show on making zines!

  23. Sean McCormac says

    YES PLEASE! I'd LOVE a Zine tutorial!

  24. Neil Cousineau says

    Hey Ted I’m looking forward to the show on making a Zine.

  25. Patrick Fryer says

    I believe Ted is the last youtuber who’s not all about ME ME ME. 🙏

  26. Valerie Hollifield says

    Please do a video on making zines! I’ve been wanting to make one and didn’t know how to begin.

  27. ryanehoward says

    I would LOVE to see an episode on zines! That would be great. It would definitely help to give us another tool to produce works that lasts.

  28. Lance Evans says

    Great stuff!

  29. George Smietana says

    Don't forget to shred all the labels. Labels have information and codes, that could be used for identity fraud. You would be surprised what these people could do with your information. I've seen people going through dumpsters to get loads of paper information, like envelopes. It looks like you have a lot of shredding ahead of you. Also recycle the paper waste. It's a job for the mail room guy. Oh, it's you dude. ;>)

  30. Vally Cat says

    Yes zine episode.

  31. vhturgeon says

    It would be amazing to see a video from you on zines and the different ways to produce them!

  32. Dan WRAY says

    Yes, a video on zines would be welcome. I speak as one who has done a couple of handmade books.

  33. osliverpool says

    Wow, those Haskins books! I'd love your thoughts on how to produce zines/photobooks too, as I'm looking back on my travel shots and I'd love to put a few together – some expert guidance could save some "trial and error" mistakes. Thanks for the whole channel too, it's one of my photo favourites.

  34. Sonic says

    Ted I am going to it now you are way to cool

  35. Steven Behnke says

    Another vote for making a video about making zines. I have a lot of photography from over the years and it would be nice to have a more tangible representation of my work.

  36. Reeceness says


  37. Mark Graybeal says

    oh, ya see our rock shop. brothers, moonlight gemstone, iv started in 70's. an want to re do ol school…

  38. x illaa says

    MS 20 on the shelve, a man of good taste in filters 🙂

  39. Barry Styles says

    Love the idea of a zine episode/series!

  40. Patrick says

    Thanks man. That was great.

  41. Donald Reilly says

    Zines potential very interesting. Especially, the long term legacy potential to preserve and share our creative images, travels, family, special events, special places and more with friends, family and associates. 60 years from now, where will ones digital images be stored for viewing and recall? Zines, take limited space to store and are so easily accessible. These offer a great opportunity to leave a message and vision of one’s own experiences for others enjoyment or enlightenment about our own experience in this wonderful world of photography.

  42. doc Deutschmann says

    YES please! (an episode or several on "How to make a zime."

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