photography mistakes you don’t even know you’re making


In this video I talk about some mistakes I think photographers are making when they first start out…and what to do about emmm



  1. Jatish Pandav says

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 our famous tale , empty pot more shouting and thanks I made more mistake as professional 🤣

  2. Peter Zettl says

    2:30 same with tik toks being made with after effects. I read so many comments with "what app is this made with", "what filter is this". Gets me sad every day😪

  3. John Romano says

    Do whatever the f*ck makes you happy.

  4. ChaChii Yeon says

    Damn I like you sooo much Jesse !!! 😍😍😍💕

  5. ChaChii Yeon says

    It's so agreeable and I'm so excited to try things in photography and photoshop but I just don't have the materials 🙁

  6. belen enriquez says

    so funny an so generous with your knowledge. thanks!

  7. GuyFox says

    "Don't buy filter packs"
    looks at description
    "Buy my filter pack"

  8. Edits by Jema says

    when you mentioned "not doing the work" the same could be said about art. People aren't gonna become better artists if all they're doing is watching youtube videos, they have to put the work in and practice

  9. Tommy Bastian says

    you are awesome…

  10. Jakiy SW says

    I almost quit photography a month ago but you kept me back on. 😉

  11. wheresfrankocean says

    i make the second and third mistake so often. i sometimes use a filter

  12. Adrian Salinas says

    Which books?

  13. Adrian Salinas says

    I love your voice

  14. Dave Bigtas says

    I like how your voice transitions from sweet to something like a high pitchy voice. 😂

  15. kim hye soo johnson says

    #2 I am literally at that stage right now. I’ve read the books, studied other photographers work, found what I like and what “would be my style”, watch (literally) only Jessica’s videos and planned what cameras and equipment I would have BUT have not gone out and done it. I know that I should JUST DO IT but in my opinion I’m just not confident…. which is funny cause this is kinda what I want to do with my life.

  16. JonnyThought says

    How ru so cute? ;-P

  17. Madison Evans says

    You are seriously the most helpful lol you really go into details with everything not like the others lol ❤

  18. cocoanouk says

    so sick of all these instagram blogger selling their filters. just edit it on Lightroom not that hard

  19. christie bowman says

    I Absolutely agree with you on this. I started before filters and learned from scratch. Rarely ever use presets and actions.

  20. Nicky Nicolas says

    What camera should I buy for wedding and portrait, 6D Mark ii or 5D Mark iv?

  21. Bubble Fish ! says

    I use a filter but them add some personal detail to it too so is that k? 😐

  22. Caleigh Flores says

    Im so glad you brought up advice from others amd how youre shootimg " am I shooting the right fstop?!"

    I purchased a Nikon d3200 from a good friend with two lenses evem though I watched all canon videos. I was super confused at first but decided to only shoot manual and adjust the shutter priority myself. I hoped ill be able to switch it up and do only aperture myself (meaning the camera does everything else and i adjust one). For me i felt i couks do better that way since that's how i lesrn and I have repeatedly been told not to do that. Its super discouraging but yousharing this made me feel tons better.

  23. Name says

    Another one homemade "photographer"…

  24. fleetato says

    What changed my game was learning how to create my own light room presets

  25. Studio Unlimited Photography says

    I agree. Photography is an art and art is subjective.

  26. Mel Andrew Mendoza says


  27. Tamito says

    Very fine specialist

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