A Sunrise Photography Winter Hike


This is video 2 in a landscape photography series filmed over a 5 day period in Scotland. I took my camper van and drove north across the border after having seen one of the most promising weather forecasts in living memory; a huge snow dump followed by high pressure! Game on. In this video I hike up Buachaille Etive Beag and photograph the beautiful snow covered mountain rages surrounding glencoe.

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A Rising Sun – Alan Ellis
Monster – Martin Hall
Stay Near – Henrik Olsson
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#LandscapePhotography #Scotland #Hiking

  1. David Roberts says

    It didn’t look like it, but did you use a CP on your shots?

  2. David Roberts says

    Well done Thomas, way to earn it.

  3. Brandon Cook says

    Hi Thomas, been subbed for around two years now and always loved your content. So peaceful and tranquil it always destressed me put me in a better mood. However for what must be around six months I haven’t had any notifications from you and assumed you’d been away from YouTube. It was only today when I searched for one of your old vids to watch that I realised infact you hadn’t been away!! I’m equally pissed off at YouTube for not letting me see your videos in my feed, as I am happy that now I have 6 months of videos to binge watch. Thanks again for the videos, you’re one of my fav youtubers, and being somewhat of a photographer myself I can appreciate the effort and dedication that goes into the work you out up for us. Big love from the Uk

  4. Dave Morse says

    Funny several times in the video I was thinking shut up and take pictures your missing the light. That being said thanks for sharing the experience.

  5. Rich Ackerbauer says

    Thank you for sharing these Thomas. For those of us that will never get to experience this, you put us in the drivers' seat.

  6. Mads Peter Iversen says

    Oh wow… how I would have loved to be on Beinn a'Chrulaiste to shoot the Buachaille Etive Mor in those conditions. Absolutely stunning! 🙂 – nice drone sequence also!

  7. John Taillor says

    Excellent video as usual, had a grat time watching it. However, I find your panos a bit boring, with no foreground, lines or anything
    I personnaly love the 2nd image !

  8. Carl Green says

    Sadly, I'm too old for those breathtaking hikes Thomas. For Christmas, I want a drone with a 24-hour battery and a 10 mile range. I could work magic from the parking lot. 🙂

  9. Jindujun says

    This place looks so peaceful, unbelievable. Like humans don't even exist. Just pure earth.

  10. martin hogarth says

    About time Nev. made a new vlog.

  11. Chris Waistle says

    Great images Tom, well done. Also, you’ve been lucky to get the best of this winters snow. Just seen on the news that this winter has had the lowest amount of snow for 70 years and that yesterday was the hottest February day in Scotland for 122 years at 18.3 degrees C !!

  12. Red35 Photography says

    Man, love those drone footage! That first pano too. I need to take up landscape photography 🙂

  13. Jesse says

    Cheers. This was a nice little coffee break video that leaves me wanting to hike in the highlands. Planning that trip.

  14. Krushev Thapa says

    Good to see you do more Panos.

  15. Ail'enduril says

    when in doubt, pano

  16. Timothy Smallwood says

    Hi Thomas, Lovely – as usual. I noticed your reservations about using the long lens on your (current) tripod. I picked up a lens tripod collar from Amazon or Ebay for about £20. It comes off if you don't need it and balances beautifully. It switches from landscape to portrait in a second. I know you're always looking for that little extra weight!

  17. Vincent O'Connor says

    Thank you Thomas. Great video.

  18. Stuart Moore says

    Another great video, I noticed you are now flying the mavic air, when did you change drones and why?

  19. George O'Toole says

    Absolutely awesome….

  20. Jason James says

    Great video! I would never be so relaxed shooting in those conditions. No time to talk. Must get one more composition.

  21. Nigel Morley says

    Brilliant footage Tom, loved the drone shots as well..AND I didn't notice any polarisers cartwheeling down the slopes!! always a bonus !!

  22. macronencer says

    Glen Coe must be one of the loveliest locations on the planet. I'm pretty sure I've seen Murray from Scotland's Mountains channel on that mountain too!

  23. steven gordon says

    Loving your work 😊

  24. Mark James Wilcox says

    The photos were great as usual, but that drone footage was stunning! Nice one.

  25. Imaginary Dreams says

    this video should be called A sunrise Pano winter hike XD

    but seriously you walked/hiked up a mountain for 2 whole hours with no rest? that's crazzyyyy

  26. VinceRolf says

    Are you on the canon 5d4 or R ?

  27. glory Meeo says

    i`m about to crying.this view is such amzaing

  28. Paul Lowicki says

    This has to be one of my favourite videos in a while. The drone footage part was incredible. And I would absolutely buy a print of that second image if you ever released it for sale!

  29. Rick Hasmore says

    Great work Thomas. So

  30. Chris Clark says

    What a fantastic morning! Beautiful shots. A little off-topic: there were rabbit tracks up there?!

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