Photoshop: How to transform photograph into digital painting.

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Photoshop tutorial photo effects: How to transform photograph into digital painting.

In this photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to create the effect of digital painting for your photos.


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  1. Guy Kirkland says

    AWESOME!!! I'm just learning Ps and your video is a great resource. 🙂


    Thanks for editing Taylor swift….💐💐💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

  3. BTC MEDS says

    Thanks very nice explanation step by step good marking.

  4. Mark Wilesmith Wilesmith says

    I found it pretty easy to follow without sound and the piano music is nice. It's when tutorials go at a million miles an hour it gives me the shits.

  5. P.V.N Sutar says

    nice tutorial

  6. samantha gregorikosis says

    thank you I learned something new.

  7. Maliha Nowshin Myshi says

    You are awesome!!! 😱 thank you so much….

  8. paplu das says


  9. Tanzila Ruhi says


  10. dhat teri ki ishq me says

    App name?

  11. Adarsh Mahendra says

    Work is awesome, can you pls tell which screen recording software is used🤔

  12. Brad Simonsen says

    Thank you for the Tutorial, It is very well done and I love the effect. I have a question though, just before the very last step you show the mouse hovering over the "stroke" layer and then suddenly there is a new layer above it with all effects applied that you called "final", how did you create this layer? Thank you for you effort and for sharing!

  13. Gente Mas Que Buena says

    Ahora clic derecho. Vectorizar.

  14. Sowmya Govindaraju says

    Sir, show me this puzzle of face by too many same photos

  15. bhagya rekha says

    Your video is not clear. So we can't find out with tool your are using

  16. Jeffrey McPherson says

    This is such an incredibly elegant tutorial; all the steps are so clear, and the outcome is exactly like it makes itself out to be. All without a single word spoken. Thanks, from those of us who are more craftsmen than artists. Jeff

  17. Nicolás Escobar says

    This was incredibly helpful, thanks!

  18. Andrew Maize says

    This isn’t real art painting stop mocking artists. I find this offensive artists put a lot of hard work learning how to create then u guys come along smudge crap and call it painting. This is disrespectful.

  19. shiblu hyder says

    Nice tutorial ! Thanks a lot….

  20. Tiep Nguyen says


  21. Garry Waller says

    Wow! fantastic – I learned so much! And I need to learn more from you! Thank you!!!!! (I need to learn the pen tool adjustments a little more) 🙂

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