How To Pose and Direct Lifestyle Family Photography with Elena S Blair | CreativeLive


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Lifestyle Family Photography has gained a lot of popularity, but many don’t understand the amount of posing that goes into the look. πŸ‘‰

When you step into a lifestyle family session you need go-to poses and the ability to guide your families into genuine emotion and interactions, all while keeping the session under control. Self taught and 6 figure photographer, Elena S Blair, shares her top tips for emotive family posing as well as give you step by step instruction for some of her favorite family poses.

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  1. Pamela Hagan says

    I watched a couple of your teachings on Creative Live and it has totally changed how I photograph! It gave me soo much freedom to be me. Thank you !

  2. Natalia Nieves says

    WOW!! This video could not have popped up in my news feed at a better time! I am so thankful for all these tips!! I have my first multi family lifestyle holiday shoot tomorrow and I was lost for how to direct my vision for them. So, thank you πŸ™

  3. zoeclearwater says

    The composition is not pro level. She has some good tips on interacting with clients but that's about it for this video. There are a lot of pro level videos on YouTube for free that demonstrate a higher level of composition.

  4. Moira du Toit says

    Elena you are fantastic! Brilliant teacher, get your ideas across in plain English – love, love, love!

  5. Candice Parnell says

    Your photos are so stunning! And you make it look so EASY!! Beautiful lighting makes such a crazy difference. I am trying to learn how to use flashes now. What lens are you using here? Do you have certain lenses you always use for family portraits? I just got a 35 mm but I feel like I am struggling with the learning curve of not having zoom and also having to stand way back for bigger frames. Your studio is total GOALS by the way!

  6. vegetarian girl says

    Subscribed Here from Nate Channel

  7. Frank Kujawski says

    My daughter put her hands on her hips and gave me an attitude. I had my camera and I snapped a picture. She hated the picture when I printed it out. We chatted about it and I told her this is the way I see you, attitude and a smirk. (She ended up like it, but still preferred others.) She has since grown and I have other and better pictures, and she has learned to mind her manners a bit when I have the camera.
    My mother gets the school pictures, my wife and I get everything else.

  8. Angel Marie says


  9. Rod Allsopp says

    Excellent, thank you. Awesome studio space, by the way.

  10. Terry McGhee says

    Out of like ten videos on family photography this is hands down easily the best I have seen so far. Thank you for taking the time and also for being an awesome photography and human!

  11. Waki's Den says

    Hello, great video and beautiful light – windows you have there in your studio. May I ask bout your cammera settings? Your photos seems to be so nice and sharp. I would say you used something as 35/1,2 but not sure, but for having everything in focus, you had to step down to aperture. How about the shutter speed considering your subjects were constantly moving and quit a lot in case of the little gals. Thank you. πŸ™‚

  12. Marina Ginsburg says

    great video, Elena is amazing!! Wondering if she moved to shutter priority filming the kids in movement, or was able to do that on AP priority??

  13. dlwss qn says

    i like the information overload in this video. thank you!

  14. Veronique Leduc says

    Love it! I need to try posing always intimidates me…

  15. asish nayak says

    Wow I need take my camera out

  16. Edith Ann says

    Excellent! Great ideas and well presented!!!

  17. Stacey Jordan says

    This was great info! Definitely helpful

  18. Aisha Aisha says

    Ψ§Ω„ΩΩŠΩˆ Ω†Ψ­Ψ¨ΩƒΩ… Ω‡Ω„Ψ¨Ψ© Ω‡Ω‡Ω‡Ω‡Ω‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  19. imran farman says

    great and awesome videos

  20. Malikah Al Alshaikh says

    Those pictures are beathtaking!!! I loved them all and I even felt part of what's going on just by watching! good job

  21. shaz75750 says

    Best video ive seen yet
    Thank you ❀
    May i ask what shutter speed you like to work with? Thank you

  22. Elisa Kuratli says

    what a great video, thanks for sharing so many valuable informations!!

  23. 카라리Karalee says

    Thank you for the great tips.

  24. Lore Vancauwenberghe says

    this is great, thank you so much!!

  25. Yolchie says

    Excellent and very helpful tips! Thanks!

  26. Janna Slaback says

    I love this! Thinking about how I want my photos to FEEL is something that really resonates. Thanks for all your tips! I love how the most awesome family photos are often not the pose, but rather the relationship and the organic and authentic interaction between family members. Thanks so much!

  27. Kathy Briccetti says

    Great video! Is she shooting with aperture priority so she doesn't have to change settings between locations and different light?

  28. zoezoe610 says

    Loved this πŸ™‚

  29. Adnany Januzaj says

    which camera is that? perfect video and shots

  30. Killa K Glamorous says

    Awesome video!!

  31. MARIO COMEQ says


  32. Mark Edwards says

    Thank you for sharing your ideas, producing and posting this.

  33. MomTog Educate says

    I’d love to know the fstop you like to shoot families with. I love to shoot wide open but always worry about not having everyone in focus. I know if they are on the same focal plane they will be, but when moving around constantly that can be an issue

  34. Jonathan Brady says

    If you "thumbs down" this, you're what's wrong with the Internet.
    GREAT video! Thanks for putting it together!

  35. Newpix says

    SoonI will probably my first family shoot, and I cant believe how good the timing of this was! Huge thanks!

  36. Wilson Newman says

    Excellent, excellent. Thanks for sharing this!

  37. Harry Harrison Photography says

    some great tips and ideas ….thank you for posting !

  38. AJ Hubbell says

    Thank you.

  39. Lorraine Coulson says

    What lens are you using please x

  40. Spec-Productions says

    Very nice. Quick question: Are we hearing actual shutter clicks, or was that added as a sound effect? RE your session, when I was a younger pro in the 1980s, precision posing was the name of the game. Problem was, many photogs could not pull off a relaxed look with precise posing of body angles and head tilts, so the pictures often looked stiff, uncomfortable and artificial. Later in my career (1990s) my style was very reminiscent of what you're doing here, where warmth and happy expressions trump just about everything else, including the technicals of composition, focus accuracy, exposure, etc. Of course, as pros we want to check all boxes, so everything from composition to technically correct exposure and focus are still critical. (BTW am no longer a pro; out of the business going on 15 years.)

    Anyway, I asked about shutter clicks, because as a film user, every click of the shutter cost more than a dollar. (I.e., using pro labs, not Costco, etc.) Today, though I have 256 GB cards in all my cameras, I still tend to compose every frame, including trying to nail focus, either though AF or manual. So it looked (actually sounded) like hundreds of frames were taken; was curious about that. Fun stuff!

  41. coco yinyoung says

    Good job!!! Love it

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