The Wedding Album (1983) – Maranatha! Music

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The Wedding Album, 1983 Maranatha! Music

Just putting this here for you guys because it’s almost impossible to find purchasable copies of these beautiful tracks. There’s one vinyl left at I got the second-last one as a birthday gift for my dad. Do enjoy!

0:00 Wedding Song (There Is Love)
3:33 After The Sunset
7:33 The Father’s Call
11:23 Flesh Of My Flesh
15:21 Our Love
18:30 My Treasure
22:19 All In His Own Sweet Time
25:34 Like Sweet Music (We Flow Together)
29:05 Take All Of Me
32:43 This Is The Day (A Wedding Song)

  1. Brett Campbell says

    Love this! My wife and I had this music in our wedding 33 years ago! So glad you posted this, I've looked for it forever.

  2. Nancy Tampus says

    I sang one of the wedding songs in Maranatha Music during wedding ceremonies. I love to listen one more time. Thank you so much for uploading. It is good to reminisce good old days.

  3. karen tay says

    Daniel, hv u uploaded any more songs from this era?

  4. lyn san says

    Someone please post the The Wedding Album: Volume 2 PLEASE I WANT MY PRAYER FOR YOU SONG

  5. Alex and Marj C says

    wow! thanks so much for uploading. I've been looking for this album but never find it anywhere before. This was played on our wedding day.

  6. Af Bri Sta.Lucia says
  7. Af Bri Sta.Lucia says
  8. Af Bri Sta.Lucia says
  9. McF F says

    Thank so much Dear May God bless you

  10. CJ C says

    Our Love is a beast….memories of my childhood.

  11. Myfave Mej says

    Finally ! I have been searching for this album for favourite wedding songs when i was a teen 😚..thanks for uploading!!

  12. Geoffrey Graham says

    Thanks for the upload I have not listened to this album for along time.Listening to it reminds me of a time when I was in love with the idea of romance. Now I know that romance is hard work, but worth it

  13. Dorcas Deroneth says

    Beautiful music! Brings back memories!
    Old time favorites❤

  14. crystal says

    Please dont take this off youtube. I dont think it is in print anymore. Does anyone else know?

  15. Bryan Tan says

    Thanks For Sharing!! Have been looking for this album quite sometimes ago!! Finally by The Grace Of God it show up here. God Bless You!!

  16. Enrique Sanchez McClinton says

    Love this album. First I had a cassette that got worn out. I got an LP and had it digitized. Sounds great! Track 9 (Take All Of Me) is one of my favorites along with OUR LOVE.

  17. Oliver E says

    TRULY A CLASSIC! I suppose someday this album will be put on CD. For those who want digitized versions of these, along with Wedding Album 2, lot of them can also be found on "Long play wedding" and "Love songs for Christian couples". Both are available on Amazon. You can hear lot of those songs on this person's playlist mix:

  18. Judith Ng says

    Truly the one and only wedding album for me. I am still searching for a copy since the 80s.

  19. Holly Easterling says

    Love this! I too was searching a long time for this. I used to have the cassette tape.

  20. Nathaniel Martin says

    Great Music !

  21. Debbie LaGant says

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this,God bless you!

  22. John Lane says

    My wife and I have enjoyed Maranatha Music for a long time. By the way, we were married in 1983!

  23. Christopher Banez Lim says

    TRACK #2's among the best ones to ever grace my ears, was looking for it everywhere
    thanks for uploading although there's some few dusts and a skip on the vinyl.

  24. claudette dalton says

    maranatha wedding album vol 2 could some one upload this one plz………much appreciated!

  25. claudette dalton says

    can somebody upload the second wedding album much appreciated!

  26. Yee Leng Tan says

    Thanks for uploading this Daniel. its been 34 years for this album. Do you have The Wedding Album 2? I got the cassette tape but not able to find it here.

  27. gypsyheart49 says

    Thank you so much Daniel for posting this!   We haven't heard these in years.   My husband considered "My Treasure" his song for me, and it was played just before I walked in… and I walked down the aisle to "This is the Day."  Now, we're 33 years later and they both still bring tears to our eyes.  We're still wonderfully in love and living proof that when the Lord truly brings two people together, and they put the Lord at the center of their lives, it's a beautiful walk.  Thanks again.

  28. Amber Fuller says

    I did not know this existed. I appreciate you putting this up.

  29. Heart Centino says

    sana may lyrics naman

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