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What Is Street Photography?

In today's video, I delve into a discussion about street photography and try to pin a definition on this nearly undefinable genre. Do I succeed? I don't really know. Am I a street photographer? I have started to wonder if perhaps I am.…

T&C LIVE – Wedding Photography!

Get an awesome portfolio! coupon code 'portfolio' SUBSCRIBE and like Buy the #1 book with 14+ HOURS of video on Amazon: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Lightroom video book $10 on Amazon: Photoshop video book $10 on Amazon:…


SUBSCRIBE: and my website: AND FOLLOW ME ON... TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: The information contained in this channel is for general information purposes only. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.…

Making-Of Frauen-Portrait mit Tonality Pro

In diesem Video zeige ich euch ein kleines Making-Of zu einem meiner Bilder (nur bezogen auf die Schwarzweiss-Umsetzung). Ich setze dabei vollständig auf Tonality Pro. Wenn ihr dem folgenden Link folgt, könnt ihr Tonality Pro mit 10…