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10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories

Top 10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories Subscribe to Top 10s ► Description: Charlie from Top 10s counts down the top 10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories! For issues or inquires please email or message via YouTube.…

30 Adorable Newborn Babies (HD)

30 Adorable Newborn Babies Photographs : Often it is not until our children are a little older that we consider having a professional take a selection of photos of them. Here we want to show you what everyone has been missing out on. We…

Best Digital Photo Printing? Pt.1

Where is the best place to get your digital photos printed? If you're really keen you can print at home and it's kind of fun to watch your images appear. But you have to calibrate your printer to your already calibrated monitor and that's…

The Science of Tintype Photography

Will and Norm get their portraits taken at Photobooth, a unique photo studio in San Francisco that shoots tintype photographs. Learn about the technical and chemical details behind this 1800s photography technique, and how it produces…

5 Disturbing & Unexplained Photographs

Subscribe for a new video every week! ►► Check out the NEW Top5s website! ►► ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ From the terrifying photograph of what looks like a man…

Learn Photography – ISO Tutorial!

ISO - Photography Tutorial -Lens My Other Tutorials : ISO is one of the most important aspect of photography. ISO is responsible for the image quality and the sensitivity of your image sensor. In this video I explain you all the…