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Lola Melani Photography Studio in NYC

Lola Melani founded her private studio in New York in 2016 in the heart of the vibrant and trendy Chelsea neighborhood. The warm and inviting space offers personalized attention and comfort tailored to each individual client and features…

Top 10 Creative Wedding Photographers Kerala (2018)

Here i present the Top 10 Creative Wedding Photographers Kerala (2018) കേരളത്തിലെ ടോപ് 10 ക്രീയേറ്റീവ് വെഡിങ് ഫോട്ടോഗ്രാഫേഴ്സ് Disclaimer All the photos used in the video are taken from the respective photographers profile. The…

Why is wedding photography so expensive?

Wedding photography is so expensive! All they're doing is pointing a camera and pressing a button for a day. I can't believe how much they are charging for that! …I'll just get my uncle to take some photos, he's got a good camera. Music:…


WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERS | AWESAMO MINI Disclaimer: I do not mean to offend any character or real people mentioned in this video, this video is just for entertainment purpose. Check out cool khujLee Merch: follow us on: Facebook -…