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8 Camera HACKS in 90 SECONDS!!

These are 8 camera hacks I use frequently when I'm shooting in the field and need to rig something up in a pinch. Most of these items can be carried or found on your person at any given time! By no means are these my go-to's over actual…


This is the first time i join the Camera Haus Photo Festival 2019. It was such a great experience learning the different aspects of Vlogging from the Pros. Can you guess how excited I was for this event? __ MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS…

Canon kamera dobbelteksponering

I videoen viser vi dig, hvordan du indstiller et spejlrefleks fra Canon, så du kan skyde dobbelt- eller multieksponeringer. Se her, hvorfor funktionen er interessant, og hvad du kan bruge den til.

T&C LIVE – Wedding Photography!

Get an awesome portfolio! coupon code 'portfolio' SUBSCRIBE and like Buy the #1 book with 14+ HOURS of video on Amazon: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Lightroom video book $10 on Amazon: Photoshop video book $10 on Amazon:…

Long exposure photography tutorial

** Please check out my Private Bodies nude photography book: - Featuring Tina! Step by step guide to controlling the amount of blur and abstraction you can create in your shots. Made using basic equipment. ThatNikonGuy has been renamed…