1. Ernest Romero says

    The pics @ 30 secs into vid are like smoking gun: the aluminum wheel rims melted at GROUND LEVEL, i.e. how did ground get so hot to cause the bottom, not top, of rim to melt.? Also, the long streams of melted aluminum did not cool as they traveled over the ground; the ground topsoil must have been incredibly hot to keep the flow going. How would a "wildfire" do this heating up of topsoil as heat rises?
    How can experiments be set up to test the "wildfire" THEORY?

  2. About Time says

    Fear porn at it's best. Compleat joke. Take this to any firehouse. I dare you. Then watch them laugh so hard they piss themselves.

  3. About Time says

    What's the matter, low on views so you have to keep bringing up old crap with new lies? Pathetic.

  4. About Time says

    Try and find one firefighter that believes this bullshit, ohh wait, you can't because he does not exist

  5. About Time says

    Ohh gosh, a horrable fire, burned the protection off the metal and it rained then rusted the metal. Ohhhh…..pretty scary stuff…..what a joke

  6. Ivan Miller says

    Chariots Of Fire / Angels

    The Most High
    TaTa- Andrew


    Thank you for your work on Paradise. Something very sinester happened there. I recently heard the theory that the malibu fires were then used to distract from what was going on in Paradise. The news covered the homes of kim kardashian & miley cyrus to distract the public while real people in paradise tried to escape in melting cars and were running on foot with their pets just hoping to survive. Devastating and obviously being ignored. This story has just begun.

  8. Hog Nuts says

    The rims where fr China . Move on tin foil heads . I live by paradise it was a fire 🔥.

  9. sbrazwell42 says

    Where are all the people? When something bad happens you never hear from them…like in texas..they just dont communicate..maybe it is too much trauma..

  10. Michael Thomas says

    What is the purpose of this video, just normal effect of fire destruction.

  11. Debbi Blakeslee says

    That’s just utterly scary to see

  12. Kelly Cornell says

    So, Paradise is on a piece of land filled with alot of buried gold. It all makes sense now, that and the bullet train rail. I'd really like to hear how they explain a school building and cars burned to ash in the middle of a paved parking lot!!! DEW'S ALL THE WAY!!!

  13. nhra gold says

    Alot of us here in the sierras know this isn't natural….

  14. Igor Kovalcik says


  15. Joe Blow says

    So I guess no one has ever seen a mobile home fire before, or rusted bolts. This proves nothing.

    52000 missing=fear porn bs.

  16. Sheila Kinney says

    What happened to the kids and teachers? Are there really 52,000 people missing? This needs to be made public. I think this was no wild fire. Looks like dew fire judging from all the videos I have seen. Makes me want to cry . makes me want to hunt down whoever is behind this. GOD willing we will find out for sure. GODS will be done.

  17. Kelly Smith says

    How many people got burned up in the hospital ??? No body's talking about that

  18. will aware says

    This one is definitely is something coming through the ground. Hopefully you all have seen how tesla could light up light bulbs on the ground and through the air. The metal would act like a light filament. See 3:31 as a perfect example of this.The resistance would cause the metal and /or whatever material is between, to heat up and glow until it broke its contact to ground or power is removed. Broken metal post may be the result of current bridging the gap at a certain height up the post due to the added resistance further up. 2:52 shows where the arcing started between the two supports. Ends up being like arc welding, material disassociating. This may also explain the cars. Current is high enough to break the gap of the tires and the whole car acts as a filament and returns to ground through the other tires. This may create a magnetic field that when broken, has a repulsive force that may be enough to flip a car.

  19. Look No Further says

    On November 8th I was sleeping in bed directly across the street from this school also I went to this school as a child

  20. vonshango says

    after considering every possibility incl dew/microwave, my money is now on ice-age scale 'plasma discharge' re pole shift to explain most anomalies ahead of manmade technologies. can controllers/dew manipulate nature's plasma grounding? perhaps, to some degree, but it'd be a secondary and separate threat. either way, studying how plasma discharge can create canyons/craters and seismic events, how pole shift can create extreme climates, etc., these are foundational before we layer on manmade inputs. we can't do anything about either one, so what matters is figuring out what is most likely causing all extreme climate events and not negate the extreme power of nature first and foremost, the electric magnetic plasma fields (without getting hung up on the shape of the earth).

    n.tesla spoke of electricity all around us, free energy in the rocks, in the air and showed us how plasma 'lightning' seeks ground. plasma discharge events can cut craters/canyons, punch holes through clouds, do incredible dancing orb 'alien' light shows in the sky, spin tornados/firenado, and ignite ground level metal-melting infernos as we are seeing today and through history. it can arc from underground, the rocks below us and from the sky in tandem, it can selectively fry things, burn/disintegrate/corrode whatever is in its path to ground, and not touch/scar flammable objects 2" outside of its path. what else can do all that?

    they may not want to touch it, but i'd like to hear what the plasma physicists at thunderboltsproject might say about this 'corrosion' video and other boost vids.

    but here's a quick introduction to concept…

    California Wildfires And Plasma Discharge!


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qu5bJyBLtY&t=386s Published on Aug 26, 2018

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnPxYfasfxQ Published on Aug 27, 2018

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKzw3phLaTE Published on Sep 1, 2018

  21. vonshango says

    what corrodes metal?  fire tends to be a cleanser/purifier.  chemicals reacting corrode, water/oxidation corrode over many years.  and it looks like various metals corroding from threaded pipes to nails/bolts and ibeams, and galvanized steel chain link fence.  any ironworkers or welders or chemists out there who can explain what chemical can cause instant corrosion?  can a plasma physicist or electrical engineer explain if an electric charge of some kind can do that?

    thinking as i type, i'd venture to bet plasma discharge could do this too. if it can disintegrate/pulverize molecular bonds, eat and burn things from inside, corrosion would fall into that family.

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