Photograph – Ed Sheeran – Violin cover – Daniel Jang


Photograph by Ed Sheeran
Violin, piano, guitar cover


Thanks to Rob for shooting this video:

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Original song by Ed Sheeran
Audio and video produced by Daniel Jang

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PO Box 1253

Soli Deo gloria

  1. UP PetShop says


  2. ProPlayz YT says

    I hope I can do that kind of cover too. Its hard to edit that kind of video but It's harder to have a timing. I can also play many kinds of instruments but I am not that good in Violin. You're great.

  3. Indah Mei says


  4. Flaviarodrigues Leandro says

    Aí que lindooooo

  5. Giovane Santos R. says

    Muito top , toca muitooo🙌 Alguém 2019??

  6. Iza Costa compositora says

    Wonderful…a dream!!!!! Congratulations!

  7. marisol jimenez says

    Desde ya soy tu nueva fan mexicana 😍👏🏼 me encanta ❤️

  8. Tiago Soares says

    Um dia vou tocar assim tão bem assim!

  9. Muito bom, 👏🏼😎🇧🇷

  10. Kimi Kimo says


  11. w akram says

    I need a master as like are a great violiner in preasent time."love you from my core of heart."

  12. vitória rosa says

    Qual o nome dessa musica ?

  13. Moba Gameplay says

    i watched the photograph official video after being intoduced to this

  14. Magia e gracinhas says

    Amei meu sonho e aprender tocar ❤

  15. zakirah zulkefle says

    i feel loved 😍

  16. khathy tran says

    i love your video its so cool!

  17. Mohammad Mansour says

    creative and awesome <3

  18. Gabriel Munari says

    Alguém pra eu pedir em namoro com essa música?

  19. Algún Mexicano escuchando esto?

  20. Jhenifer Yumi says

    the best, very good

  21. Jose charles Ferreira says

    Da hora cara

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