Life is Strange – PhotoCamera – Unreal Engine

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Hi guys, just a small video
I’m still playing with the engine and LIS and I tried to make a bit more worked the camera of max ^^
She can take photo or annulate them , they are then saved as screenshot on the pc

If you have any tutorial to how I could save them as thumbnail inside the engine send me a message ^^

hope you will like , thanks again for all the comments 😀

  1. Niko 02 02 says

    Wow, how does this work? 🙂
    Taking a pic in UE4 that actually gets saved, I’m long time in UE4 but I have no idea how this works xD

  2. Sad af says

    Please be in charge in life is strange 2 keep up the good work

  3. Big Boss says

    Outlast: After The Storm DLC.


    New 3rd person system.
    A new playable female character.
    Photo saving on gallery.

  4. Aesthetic says

    how did you do this?
    edit: I wanna start making stuff like this but I literally have no idea where or even how to start. some advice would help 😊

  5. tia92mat says

    Hi! Really nice project!
    I'm going through this situation, too: i'd like to save photos from a camera i'm using in U.E., but i can't do this…Can you help me with some advice?
    Thanks a lot and good luck with wour projects!

  6. Kristhor says

    This has to be feature in Life is strange 2

  7. tia92mat says

    Hi! really nice!
    I'm trying to do something similar: a kind of Portable Camera of my first person player to take pictures of the environments.
    I'm using a "scene capture 2D" with a "Render target" material, and I want to concretely "take the picture" (pressing a button) and save it on the computer.
    I was hoping that you had a solution (something like a blueprint?), or some advice that can help me in this!
    Thanks a lot and good continuation with your videos!

  8. Bluedogs Startuzuy says

    Whats The name of that camera type ?

  9. Ace of Reaper Ghoμl says

    I think this is a employee from dontnod xD

  10. GM Legacy says

    Its something like Dead Rising Frank West camera in DR Off The Record.

  11. Wolves Studio says

    Could you give me some tips on this system? :)))))) Please!!!

  12. asia911 says

    Love the hair animation. Did you have to animate that in another software or it could be done in Unreal Engine?

  13. lorenzo41942 says

    hey sbel, I have an awesome challenge for you, recreate the trailer of "I live for you" hannah telle (voice of max) is one of the lead characters of the movie, maybe you can make it look like max is saying her lines lol just thought would be cool but if not, that's totally fine

  14. SalahQ says

    wow awesome, Can you make tutorial for this please? like how to setup the character with animation and the camera? im new with unreal engine, please i will appreciate , Subscribed, reply if you gonna work on tutorial please

  15. marius 02 says

    Max have long hair, i think

  16. Win K says

    Hey Sbel, how about creating some more relaxing sitting opportunities which you could display here on Youtube? I think many fans would love to see that.

  17. Kitsu says

    Nice Intro

  18. Penny says

    if i were you i would let max and mark do naughty things. would be so much fun.

  19. Maris Molotov says

    You should make a sacrifice self ending.

  20. Rob B. says

    I really Love this work And this Outfit ^^

  21. Lukáš Macek says

    Nice… pity I have to unsubscribe everything related to Life is Strange 🙁
    I had a real whirlwind in life and got exiled from LiSF permanently by my own cause… and parting from LiS will help me restabilize…
    So sorry for shit talk and keep up this…
    May the Force be with you. Always

  22. Une fourmi chic. says


  23. Alvare Gomez says

    Resize the screenshots by script to 128×128 and then dynamically attach that as texture to the photo that comes out of the camera.
    If it's possible.

  24. MesshiBakamono says

    dude if you create a game, the game will be awesome!!!

  25. Beatrice Lo Proto says

    I love that you're continuing the videos with Life Is Strange and you're doing an amazing job! I'd suggest to do other unseen scenes of the story, because you make them seem like it's the actual game. Btw, thanks for these videos and the feels 😭

  26. tiny lama says

    with each and every video you upload i'm more and more impressed. keep up the good work!

  27. Victor C says

    Une petite question, compte tu mettre en vente tout le travail que tu as fait avec les modèles, animations, etc.. ou bien pense tu le publier gratuitement (ou le garder pour toi ^^) ?

  28. Victor C says

    Génial !

  29. MrEmaxxfreak says

    Cool^^ I'm playing around with UE4 and LIS as well since you have inspired me with your videos..:D

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