Photo a Friend Highlights | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios

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Happy Participant Appreciation Month!!
We’re taking the next 4 weeks to show off all the hard work you’ve put into making responses for The Art Assignment, and recognize the many ways in which you support and contribute to this community — whether that’s by making art, leaving comments, or just watching the videos! This week we look at some of our favorite submissions to Tanja Hollander’s assignment Photo a Friend.

Watch the original assignment here:

Get started on the next Art Assignment Book Club book! We’ll be discussing it on May 14th.
Art as Experience by John Dewey:

Featured in this video:

1. Meg Gilbert & Betty (ARTiculations): |
2. Lydia: |
3. Goat Eyes and Howard:
4. Aubrey:
5. Hannah:
6. Peter:
7. Elizabeth:
8. The Art of Being Human:
9. trishy199:
10. Laura:
11. LindsfromCO:
12. My Year By Design:
13. Safarox:
14. Wolfs-toeter:
15. Murderbyrosestem:

Follow us elsewhere for the full Art Assignment experience!
Response Tumblr:
and don’t forget Reddit!:

  1. Jo-Jo Beans says

    John has a bulk-buyer discount at the local champagne poppers store.

  2. Nana says

    I loved it! Amazing job everyone 🙂

  3. Glen Converse says

    I just ordered "Air Guitar" at your suggestion. I'm an MFA student in photography at Barry U. Thanks so much for your time and efforts.

  4. Laura Coleman says

    I'm late, but i'm #10 – Laura! I could not be more pumped to be featured in this video! Sarah and John are my absolute IDOLS! ❤️❤️

  5. Aleasia Murph says

    I'd like to see some highlight videos where you (and perhaps another) react to the submissions. I'd like to see and hear the initial unscripted conversations, reactions, insights. Thank you for providing a community where people can grow and contribute artistically 🙂

  6. Divi says

    yesssss i am absolutely looking forward to the rest of highlights month, this was lovely! 🙂

  7. Nadia Rayhanna says

    Definitely one of the best youtube channels!

  8. Maddie Becker says


  9. idespise guugleplus says

    i really like your take on generosity.

  10. James Johansen says

    I really like the selfie one. It reminds me of charlieissocoollike's "duet with myself"

  11. unihope says

    I'm surprised that there was only one selfie. I loved the description that came along with it.  I was thinking about taking one of myself as well but for a different reason altogether. 

    For me, I'm finally getting back to knowing myself after and still going through a period of grief of my mom's passing and the end of essentially my childhood family. Half way through, I couldn't recognize myself, thoughts, or actions. They all seemed strange and foreign and horribly empty. But now I feel like I'm getting back to myself and have a chance to change the parts I don't want to be a part of.

  12. Oliver Bollmann says

    This was wonderful.  So wonderful to acknowledge and appreciate everyone participating in these assignments, my hats off to all of you and to Sarah for producing this show and making art alive.

  13. Go VERB a NOUN. says

    Peter — #6 — here! Ahh, it was so great to get featured in this! I'm feeling a little proud of myself because because I showed this video to my subjects and now they're getting all emotional and stuff. 😀

  14. Ducomors says

    I have to say I kept thinking about the idea of friend ship through out this video and realizing that i do want to be friends with myself. I had the thought before it was brought up in the video and at the end of the video it made me glad that others would consider the thought as well.

    I see these projects and often cannot think of anything that I feel is creative enough to play with but i see the highlight videos and get inspired to do something. maybe i need to look into more of the highlights on my own. anyways i will really appreciate this month.

  15. Maggie Dowling says

    I have many ideas for this assignment but I am to scared to ask my friends to be photographed and then post it online for all to see.

  16. theuncommonviewer says

    I love the idea of a portrait not just being still. Beatiful and thoroughly human.

  17. Xenolilly says

    I really liked the selfie at the end. It is so important to be your own friend. I used a tree to do this assignment myself. I'm pretty sure it died since I photographed it. Not that it was the cause, but it was a funny coincidence. Meanwhile, my art assignment friends continue to grow and live. Great highlights as ever, Sarah. 🙂

  18. MissLydia says

    I'm Lydia (#2) and I'm just chuffed to have the photos of my beautiful friends featured. I don't at all consider myself to be a photographer so this is an extremely unexpected experience!

  19. David Shi says

    Hooray for Participant Appreciation Month! Suddenly, all those "Participant" medals/trophies finally mean something 🙂

  20. ARTiculations says

    Love the last one by Murderbyrosestem! I recently "spent time" with myself by going on a few amazing solo vacations and I must say I quite enjoy my own company 🙂

  21. Meg Gilbert says

    So much to love here. I like when you describe a friend as someone who is willing to put themselves out there in the possible awkward situation of photos posted online. It reminds me of how vulnerability highlights trust in the relationships I care deeply about. Such beautiful connections throughout this video. And also, I just have to add, I absolutely love the dogs! Warm fuzzies!!

  22. Kim Brunner says

    These were great highlights!

  23. ellock1998 says

    The submission(s) at 6:30 is my favorite

  24. eviatkin says

    Aww I've never been featured in something like that before! It's awesome 😀 (I'm Elizabeth, #7) 

    Loved all the other submissions, good job everybody!

  25. BarefootVlogs says

    This video made me feel connected to this community… I don't know. For some reason, portraits of other people give me the chance to not just see people but notice them, recognize them as human beings and fellow creatures who think, feel, have memories, desires, and fears that are similar to mine, except so very special and unique at the same time. It also made me miss my college friends immensely, most of whom have moved far away for jobs. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Gerald Wicked says

    i have an assignment for you. if you put me in a video. email me if you're interrested.

  27. Gaby Gotesman says

    The tissue paper flowers are beautiful. And the selfie one was really cool and deep.

  28. SciJoy says

    If you want to hangout with +Meg Gilbert and possibly Betty from +ARTiculations and maybe make some friends and create some art, join Meg's hangout tonight at 9pm EST:

  29. idiotsloveboxes says

    Not the first view, but the first LIKE, which is better.
    Sarah you should give a TED talk someday about The Art Assignment. New media + participatory art + historical precedent = unlimited future. Perfect fit for TED or TEDx.

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