Test update Google Camera 2.2 Panorama wide angle and fisheye, photo sample

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Google Camera 2.2.024 (1195242-30)
Photo sample
Comparison normal photo, panorama wide angle and panorma fisheye
With Google Nexus 5, Android KitKat 4.4.2

Photos taken in Paris

Echantillons photos
Comparaison photo normale, panorama grand angle et panorama fisheye
Avec un Nexus 5 sous Android KitKat 4.4.2

  1. Cookie Drop says

    Unique features of Google camera:

    Wide photo without 2 cams

    Wide fisheye photo

    Portrait without 2 cameras


  2. Mhmd Al Fajar says

    pelit amat kgk ad link apk nyaa

  3. hilarius sargono says

    hgd jadfor camera faronama
    jets thugeder romm

  4. Richard Martinec says

    i like it. We are in Alps and i took beautiful panorama 🙂

  5. okaychegs says

    How do you put the blur on tue side of your video is it a app?

  6. Supreet Sharma says

    Google should advertise this stuff more.

  7. Péco says

    nice video !

  8. Shaer Ahmed says


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